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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let the sun bathe you..

"Immersion - ADV"
Teams of 2
150 Goblet Squats 1.5/1pd
100 Box Jumps 24/20”
50 50ft Sprints
150 V-Ups
Teams of 2
100 Rolling Pistols
75 Box Jumps 30/24”
50 50ft Sprints
100 T2B
Post time and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
1 person works at a time.  You may complete the work in any order you like, but must complete all the repetitions before advancing to the next movement.


JP said...
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JP said...

Rockin it this morning in EHT... good times with the AM crew!

Solo'd the FB WOD:
50 Rolling Pistols
50 Bjs (32")
30 50ft Sprints
50 T2B

Kozmo said...

Always love teams loads of fun with aldo 18:04.
Green band.
Best part of workout knowing amy is waiting for you for a massage awsome!