Snatch Pulls
(Last completed 1/5/10)
"The Frost"
Tabata Hollow Rock
8 Rds 20 sec on/10 sec off
then immediately following:
10 Rds
4 HSPU - 45/35lb plates to abmat
4 Snatch 115/75lbs
Post loads, tabata score, time and thoughts to comments.
Scheduled day of rest for me and much need considering today's abs and shoulders are shot!
Crush this one OTG Gang!
Any of you "old school" crossfitters every see a downtick in your performance? I've been at it two years with incredible gains up till about three months ago. I haven't pr'd a damn thing since the summer and actually missing some previous pr's. The only thing I can attribute it to is, wait for it, here it comes.......DIET! Fuckin food. My Achilles heel. From day one I wanted to argue with Nick that diet wasnt important. But after doing Paleo and kicking ass, then eating like a hot dog vendor, I have to finally agree with coach. I'm officially back on the wagon.
Atlee, I've been in the same boat...I've been feeling beat up and like shit not getting anywhere with my workouts,diet is important and I've been watching what I eat but I decided after Monday's workout to take a week or so off from crossfit to give myself a break. Don't know if you thought about taking a break but that may help with everything else. I'm hoping this break will help me come back and start kicking ass!!
Break your foot and eat like sh*t for 12 weeks, that's one way to do it ;)
Seriously, I have had the same issues. To break through, I decided to go full-time (5-6 days a week), that's when I broke my foot. I am just getting back now, although my wind isn't where it needs to be, but I have hit some new gains / PRs in OHSQ, SNATCH, and PRESS.
I am also actively working on my weaknesses. I have avoided the SNATCH and OHSQ for 2 years. I may never be able to do 50 pullups straight, but there is absolutely no reason I cannot SNATCH or OHSQ my body weight at least once, other than being a puss.
And yes, Diet for sure. I figure if I am going full bore at Crossfit, and I am on Paleo, I should be able to hit some new nice PRs. I'll see how that goes in March.
atlee, lets talk in person
Atlee, let's talk in person. Bretts just going to tell you to drink milk eat alot and get big as hell like him ;)
Atlee, let's talk in person. I'll meet you at PJs for a pizza, some wings, and some brews ;)
good group this morning
lift: 115 135 135
WOD: rx'd 13:27 tabata low score of 14 (113)
core & shouders feeling great! not really.
What I really would like to know is if its my diet, my training schedule(2, maybe 3 days), a normal plateu, or a gradual tapering off of gains after two years. Or I'm being a fairy and need to ramp up the intensity.
Kev we all go thru stages like this in our training, plateaus happen. When they do, I look at my diet, my training sessions (Amt.) and school schedule in that order
You already hit the nail on the head I think. Your diet and schedule aren't the best right now, so obviously your performance is going to suffer. I'd say to tighten up the diet, and try and make it in as much as you can. You already know how important diet is, so it's on you to fix it.
By the way, I stumbled upon probably the single GREATEST dessert I've ever tasted, paleo style. If any of you have the sweet tooth, this is the fix. I'm a bit neurotic so I measure nothing, but these are guesstimates.
Apple Crisp Dish
For every 1 Apple use:
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon coconut milk (i just took a spoon and plopped whatever in)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (this is on the low side, as I probably used a tablespoon, whoops)
1 tablespoon almond meal (again, no idea, just a guess, I just poured lol)
Throw the butter and coconut milk in a pan
Chop up the apple into thin slices, and cook both sides until soft
Once the apples are almost done (very soft) add the cinnamon and almond meal. Mix it up and put in a bowl. Pure heaven
Thanks for the recipe Joe! Can't wait to try it!
15:45 on the WOD, RX'd.
Proved once again to myself that I suck at Snatches. I did Power / Muscle snatches for most of them. The rest I wouldn't call Snatches, just Ground to Overhead with a snatch grip...ugly as sin.
As ugly as it was, I think I did a lot better than I thought, certainly improving on the Snatch, just gotta keep practicing.
Joe, I am definitely gonna try that. Gonna use Honey Crisp apples, they are the bomb.
Thanks Justin for a nice workout and the help! Hope you found a new place to enjoy pizza!
Tabata: 9
WOD: HSPU w/ 2 mats / Snatch 55lbs
Great job 4:30!
Opted to skip the snatch pulls, been a rough week of wods 4 days in a row
WOD Rx'd 10:21
snatches felt like butter, hspu slowed down around round 7. Nice job 530!
Joe, looks like you'll make a great wife some day, keep those recipes coming!
Keep it up old man, you'll be due for another hip replacement sooner than you'd like ;)
"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."
15:45 (95/abmat)
This WOD, was tough was ready to be done at Rd 5!
Lift 115-125-135, not pretty.
Wod tabata- 12
14:22,I think
Nick thanks for tip with the snatch, getting there.
Rest Day tomorrow.
Great work Yesterday Kevin M and Justin for Killing yesterday's WOD. Super fast you both were.
WOD: RX 10:15 or something..
So happy that it was only 4/4 otherwise Lali would have been KO on round 4.
I think ill stick with 1 abmt next time..It will be missed, but i have to move on..
Sweet workout!
"Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy feels."
soooo it totally blows working out alone. thanks for getting me through it today Justin!
lift: 75-85-95. i was a discombobulated spaz during this lift.
wod: tabata-8, 12:34 34" box/55lbs
worked on my kip after and after snapping myself with the band, I was able to do a set of 3 and of 5 with the red band. could never get through a workout with just red but totally stoked about this....huge improvement from where I started in sept (i think i needed green and blue to get through my baseline).
Lift: 85-95-105(1)
WOD: 75/1abmat/10lb plate 15:58.
Tabata: 7...after 7 rounds of 10 :(
Snatches were awkward first round after that they felt great. Great work 4:30.
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