Sometimes, I when the wheels fall off completely, it winds up killing my times.
I was rethinking my last Fran time, and I "tried" to go unbroken as much as possible. Went unbroken in the round of 21, fell apart in the second round, and dragged to the finish, with a 5:41 time. I wondered if it would have been better to acknowledge I couldn't go unbroken, and break in the first round instead of going unbroken. It would give me 15 seconds or so of rest in that first round, keeping the wheels on longer, and perhaps finishing much stronger. I want to give it a whirl next time.
Just curious if everyone always uses a strategy and breaks things up. Yes, it would be great to fly through unbroken, but for us normal people, that is often unlikely.
Gimp, I am a strategist by nature ... meaning I'm a sales guy ... so yes, I try to apply some sort of a strategy before EVERY WOD. Does it always work - no, but it gets me thinking about how I can do better on that same WOD the next time it comes up.
Also, just when any of us thought we were working out "hard enough", check out today's WOD on ...
Baseline (their version of a WARM UP): 3 rounds: 20 x Wall Ball, 20 x Push up, 400M run
Work Capacity: Filthy Fifty - SEALFIT style: 2 rounds for time:
* 50 x Box Jumps (24") * 50 x Pull-ups * 50 x KB swing (55#) * 50 steps walking lunge * 50 x Knee-to-Elbow * 50 x Push-Press (95#) * 50 x GHD back Extension * 50 x Wall Ball (20#) * 50 x burpee * 50 x Double under
Durability (their version of CASH OUT): 10 x 200M sprints (:50 second interval). 200 sit-ups. Active Stretch
In case you missed it, they are doing this Filthy Fifty for 2 ROUNDS !!!!
Still feel like you're working out "hard enough" ???
Maybe it is because I'm older and, therefore, need to be wiser, but I always have a strategy. I think that it is critical to minimizing rest and maximizing efficiency. I think that Maria will back me up on this one as well.
Define your 'hard enough'....everyone of our athletes could complete this, but for what? Will they get a badge, a plaque, a stamp w/ their picture on it, an honorary parking space, etc?..I'll answer for you, Nope...Getting to a sub-3 Fran, a sub-4 Diane, a sub-2 Isabel or Grace, Max pull ups of 50 or more, a front lever, a 400lb back squat, a 200lb press and a sub-6 mile and you'll have defined my 'hard enough'....That being said, longer workouts - 20 min or more - are essential for all athletes trying to hit the glycolytic's just not effective on a daily basis.
If you don't have a strategy, you're not prepared.
I definitely agree with minimizing rest, but I am thinking more about minimizing "failure".
Yesterday for example, I broke the TTBs into 2 sets. Sure, I could have easily went unbroken the first 2 rounds, but I would have had to get back to those heavy Thrusters quicker. I think that extra little break allowed me to hammer out more Thrusters than if I went unbroken TTB and got to them faster.
Go with the Mark Saber approach.. works great! Get a designated number of breaths in your head to do during your rest, and then get your a$$ back in there.
Strategy is funny though. Sometimes I think I have one and it goes out the window pretty quick.
I try not to go to complete failure, get my designated breaths in, and then try my best to get right back in it.
I'm definitely a strategist at everything in life. Though I'm not in sales, but probably should be...
For every WOD, Lift, Skill, Ca$h Out, etc... Prior to completing, I run through the following in a matter of seconds to minutes: 1st - I visualize the movement(s) in my head 2nd - I digest the workload, i.e. the # of reps, movements, length of time allotted, etc... 3rd - I analyze the overall physicality of performing the movements together 4th - I apply my best judgement of my capacity for work as it relates to the WOD yet to be performed 5th - I accept the mental anguish, physical pain, utter fear, and genuine stress so that I can overcome it all and just do it
I try to go to two reps before failure, dump, take a two less breaths than I think I need, then back at it. Very scientific and analytical. Another thing i always do: Not quit halfway through every wod. Because I want to quit on every one. Thats why I hate working out by myself. When Chris is a round ahead of me, Auria is twenty burpees ahead, and my wife and Nick are yelling at me, how can you quit? And thats why I pay my 160 a month with a big smile on my face. Best money I spend by far. By the way, Sealfit are a bunch of pussies. Who does knees tho elbows? Toes to bar or nothing baby! Dimatteo style.
Also I think the speed of the reps don't have to be as fast as you think to get a quick time. I realized this looking at a few quick fran times. They go nice and slow, but establish a good rythm.
Personally, I don't think Fran is a good gauge for talking about strategy, because you aren't allowed to stop in Fran, so that should be your strategy lol that's 99% of the reason why it's such a shitstorm
It would be nice to have the same mindset of not stopping for every wod just like Fran, but that just isn't possible I don't think lol
I try and take a strategy for every workout. If I'm familiar with the movement and how it feels, I usually have a good gauge about how to attack the rep scheme, but really most every strategy hits the wall and disappears after 3,2,1....
WOD: 6:34 RX'd Sh*t the bed on the Pullups (again). Pushups were tougher than I thought they'd be. Unbroken on the Wall Ball. Not sure if I would call those V-Ups, but I tried :)
Cashout - 167 DUs. I know I can do better, my shoulders burnt out.
Thanks for all the strategy feedback today. For this WOD, my strategy was simply not to go all out on the Row. I could have done a 1:35 split and torched my legs, but I rowed a 1:45 instead. That 10 seconds probably helped save me 30 seconds on the Wall Ball, pushups, and pullups.
I used to try to strategize the WODs but I kind of stopped doing that. I try not to think about them so much any more. I used to think about them all day long before I got to the box that night and would have butterflies on my way there. I do still always know what I walking into but I think about it so little sometimes now that yesterday, I didn't even know the rep scheme until about 2 mins before go time. When its go time, I go until I have to stop and then I try to go some more. Once I am into the workout though, I pick attainable goals that try to help me minimize my rest. I don't know, I guess everyone is different, whatever your mind can handle
yess back at otg :) ...i was only MIA a week and i missed everyone i don't know what i'm gonna do winter break. i'm sore already with a bad WOD time and pretty sure my DU's decreased 2 x's what it used to be. oh man
Baseline on Roids Rx'd 6:57 I always check the WOD EARLY THE MORNING OF TO SEE WHAT challenge is in front of me. I try and think about how i can do better than the time before, a lot of the time is to over come the mental breaks and try to minimize the rest. Sometimes easier said then done.
I always like to get fellow OTG'ers opinion on how the attack each wod which is usually really helpful. I am usually most nervous the 3 seconds before the wod begins.
Cash Out DU, no comment, still need a lot of work on them. Happy Birthday Steve P and great work 3:30
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt
wod: 9:49. 10lb wall ball, green band. made the mistake of taking a 10 & 14 lb. whimped out after the row and grabbed the 10lb. cannot leave myself with options. cash out: between sports bra debacle and brandi breaking my jump rope when i was in the bathroom :) didn't do 3 minutes. got 19 in the minute i did. work in progress.
played around before leaving and was able to get 1 pull up with just the blue band! and a few in the row w blue and single! think i can dump the green for good. thanks kristi!
10:18 red band. Breezed through the row at 1:55 pace, which is damn slow for me. Wall balls not as bad as before. Deload push ups degraded into game pushups about 12 in. YUCK. Fun fun!!
Cashout: 30 DU's fought for everyone of them! Thanks Hannah for being such AWESOME competition you totally pushed me today! Thanks Steve and Tony for our impromptu DU clinic!
I love cookie moster on Crack!! too funny.. each week Im Xing the things that need me to get prepared for the Paleo Challenge. Grains and Sweets gone... next week- Dairy ( dam Im going to miss my cheese)
630AM tomorrow - who's coming !?
"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."- Shaquille O'Neal
I will repeat DU and pull-ups, I will repeat DU and pull-ups, I will repeat DU and pullups :)
Explanation/demonstration of a V-Up please?
Does everyone use a strategy for every WOD?
Sometimes, I when the wheels fall off completely, it winds up killing my times.
I was rethinking my last Fran time, and I "tried" to go unbroken as much as possible. Went unbroken in the round of 21, fell apart in the second round, and dragged to the finish, with a 5:41 time. I wondered if it would have been better to acknowledge I couldn't go unbroken, and break in the first round instead of going unbroken. It would give me 15 seconds or so of rest in that first round, keeping the wheels on longer, and perhaps finishing much stronger. I want to give it a whirl next time.
Just curious if everyone always uses a strategy and breaks things up. Yes, it would be great to fly through unbroken, but for us normal people, that is often unlikely.
I am a strategist by nature ... meaning I'm a sales guy ... so yes, I try to apply some sort of a strategy before EVERY WOD. Does it always work - no, but it gets me thinking about how I can do better on that same WOD the next time it comes up.
Also, just when any of us thought we were working out "hard enough", check out today's WOD on ...
Baseline (their version of a WARM UP): 3 rounds: 20 x Wall Ball, 20 x Push up, 400M run
Work Capacity: Filthy Fifty - SEALFIT style: 2 rounds for time:
* 50 x Box Jumps (24")
* 50 x Pull-ups
* 50 x KB swing (55#)
* 50 steps walking lunge
* 50 x Knee-to-Elbow
* 50 x Push-Press (95#)
* 50 x GHD back Extension
* 50 x Wall Ball (20#)
* 50 x burpee
* 50 x Double under
Durability (their version of CASH OUT): 10 x 200M sprints (:50 second interval). 200 sit-ups. Active Stretch
In case you missed it, they are doing this Filthy Fifty for 2 ROUNDS !!!!
Still feel like you're working out "hard enough" ???
Maybe it is because I'm older and, therefore, need to be wiser, but I always have a strategy. I think that it is critical to minimizing rest and maximizing efficiency. I think that Maria will back me up on this one as well.
yeah, what he said...
Define your 'hard enough'....everyone of our athletes could complete this, but for what? Will they get a badge, a plaque, a stamp w/ their picture on it, an honorary parking space, etc?..I'll answer for you, Nope...Getting to a sub-3 Fran, a sub-4 Diane, a sub-2 Isabel or Grace, Max pull ups of 50 or more, a front lever, a 400lb back squat, a 200lb press and a sub-6 mile and you'll have defined my 'hard enough'....That being said, longer workouts - 20 min or more - are essential for all athletes trying to hit the glycolytic's just not effective on a daily basis.
If you don't have a strategy, you're not prepared.
I definitely agree with minimizing rest, but I am thinking more about minimizing "failure".
Yesterday for example, I broke the TTBs into 2 sets. Sure, I could have easily went unbroken the first 2 rounds, but I would have had to get back to those heavy Thrusters quicker. I think that extra little break allowed me to hammer out more Thrusters than if I went unbroken TTB and got to them faster.
Go with the Mark Saber approach.. works great! Get a designated number of breaths in your head to do during your rest, and then get your a$$ back in there.
Strategy is funny though. Sometimes I think I have one and it goes out the window pretty quick.
I try not to go to complete failure, get my designated breaths in, and then try my best to get right back in it.
Did Diane today
225 deads, hspu
Nick, I couldn't agree with you more. Well said ...
I'm definitely a strategist at everything in life. Though I'm not in sales, but probably should be...
For every WOD, Lift, Skill, Ca$h Out, etc... Prior to completing, I run through the following in a matter of seconds to minutes:
1st - I visualize the movement(s) in my head
2nd - I digest the workload, i.e. the # of reps, movements, length of time allotted, etc...
3rd - I analyze the overall physicality of performing the movements together
4th - I apply my best judgement of my capacity for work as it relates to the WOD yet to be performed
5th - I accept the mental anguish, physical pain, utter fear, and genuine stress so that I can overcome it all and just do it
good group in W'town 9:30, did 2 heats, sucky form on a few of the movements....
WOD, 12:49, single band
I try to go to two reps before failure, dump, take a two less breaths than I think I need, then back at it. Very scientific and analytical. Another thing i always do: Not quit halfway through every wod. Because I want to quit on every one. Thats why I hate working out by myself. When Chris is a round ahead of me, Auria is twenty burpees ahead, and my wife and Nick are yelling at me, how can you quit? And thats why I pay my 160 a month with a big smile on my face. Best money I spend by far. By the way, Sealfit are a bunch of pussies. Who does knees tho elbows? Toes to bar or nothing baby! Dimatteo style.
Also I think the speed of the reps don't have to be as fast as you think to get a quick time. I realized this looking at a few quick fran times. They go nice and slow, but establish a good rythm.
Last Fran I took my time with the first set of 21's and broke then up. pr'd by 50 seconds.
Personally, I don't think Fran is a good gauge for talking about strategy, because you aren't allowed to stop in Fran, so that should be your strategy lol that's 99% of the reason why it's such a shitstorm
It would be nice to have the same mindset of not stopping for every wod just like Fran, but that just isn't possible I don't think lol
I try and take a strategy for every workout. If I'm familiar with the movement and how it feels, I usually have a good gauge about how to attack the rep scheme, but really most every strategy hits the wall and disappears after 3,2,1....
Doug hit the nail on the head too with his quote, there's a saying I've read quite a few times from SEALs and other sports such as swimming
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"
Nice one doug!
WOD: 6:34 RX'd
Sh*t the bed on the Pullups (again). Pushups were tougher than I thought they'd be. Unbroken on the Wall Ball. Not sure if I would call those V-Ups, but I tried :)
Cashout - 167 DUs. I know I can do better, my shoulders burnt out.
Thanks for all the strategy feedback today. For this WOD, my strategy was simply not to go all out on the Row. I could have done a 1:35 split and torched my legs, but I rowed a 1:45 instead. That 10 seconds probably helped save me 30 seconds on the Wall Ball, pushups, and pullups.
i think somebody's just mad that he couldn't possibly complete a sealfit workout faster than the gym record holder (1 hr 47 mins)....
I used to try to strategize the WODs but I kind of stopped doing that. I try not to think about them so much any more. I used to think about them all day long before I got to the box that night and would have butterflies on my way there. I do still always know what I walking into but I think about it so little sometimes now that yesterday, I didn't even know the rep scheme until about 2 mins before go time. When its go time, I go until I have to stop and then I try to go some more. Once I am into the workout though, I pick attainable goals that try to help me minimize my rest. I don't know, I guess everyone is different, whatever your mind can handle
WOD: 7:55 RX and 152 DU
Today was a good day...especially after thrusters yesterday.
WOD: Rx'd 9:23, which was quicker than my first SCALED baseline 15 months ago. Felt I've really accomplished something.
DUs: 115
Kinda thankful for a rest day tomorrow. Legs feelin it already. See everyone Friday! :)
yess back at otg :) ...i was only MIA a week and i missed everyone i don't know what i'm gonna do winter break.
i'm sore already with a bad WOD time and pretty sure my DU's decreased 2 x's what it used to be. oh man
Me and Wayne hit this WOD today @ 5:30 in W'town... just the two of us... It was magical. Haha...
WOD - 6:11 Rx'd. I don't have a baseline to compare it to from before
DU's: 97 - MUCH better than my DU performance at the Challenge, but I can def get better.
Awesome job everybody!
WOD: 7:41 Rx'd
DUs: 83
Rowing and wallballs will always suck...I'm just looking forward to when they suck less!
Baseline on Roids
Rx'd 6:57
I always check the WOD EARLY THE MORNING OF TO SEE WHAT challenge is in front of me. I try and think about how i can do better than the time before, a lot of the time is to over come the mental breaks and try to minimize the rest. Sometimes easier said then done.
I always like to get fellow OTG'ers opinion on how the attack each wod which is usually really helpful.
I am usually most nervous the 3 seconds before the wod begins.
Cash Out DU, no comment, still need a lot of work on them.
Happy Birthday Steve P and great work 3:30
WOD: 9:13
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt
wod: 9:49. 10lb wall ball, green band. made the mistake of taking a 10 & 14 lb. whimped out after the row and grabbed the 10lb. cannot leave myself with options.
cash out: between sports bra debacle and brandi breaking my jump rope when i was in the bathroom :) didn't do 3 minutes. got 19 in the minute i did. work in progress.
played around before leaving and was able to get 1 pull up with just the blue band! and a few in the row w blue and single! think i can dump the green for good. thanks kristi!
10:18 red band. Breezed through the row at 1:55 pace, which is damn slow for me. Wall balls not as bad as before. Deload push ups degraded into game pushups about 12 in. YUCK.
Fun fun!!
Cashout: 30 DU's fought for everyone of them!
Thanks Hannah for being such AWESOME competition you totally pushed me today! Thanks Steve and Tony for our impromptu DU clinic!
8:59, Rxed
101 Double Unders.. What !!!
I love cookie moster on Crack!! too funny.. each week Im Xing the things that need me to get prepared for the Paleo Challenge.
Grains and Sweets gone... next week- Dairy ( dam Im going to miss my cheese)
630AM tomorrow - who's coming !?
"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."- Shaquille O'Neal
I will repeat DU and pull-ups, I will repeat DU and pull-ups, I will repeat DU and pullups :)
"Brandi" - LMNO!!!!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle (sorry Shaq)
Great work today!!
....still LMNO!
Lol I didn't even realize. Damn auto correct on my phone! That should read Bambi broke my jump rope....Haaahaha. my bad.
WOD: 7:24
DU in 3 min: 107
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