Off The Grid Challenge
WOD's and Standards
Check 'em out HERE!!
"The Ocean"
Teams of 2
15 min/AMRAP
10 Thrusters 75/55lbs or 35/25 DB's
200m Row
50 Pull Ups
Complete in the shortest amount of sets possible.
One athlete completes 10 Thrusters and the 200m Row while the other rests. The time it takes your partner to do the work is the amount of time you have to rest. A round is tallied when both athletes have completed both movements.
Post rounds, team names, # of sets and thoughts to comments.
Come out and support your fellow CrossFitters Saturday in the Off The Grid Challenge in Williamstown from 9:30 am to 5pm? Hope to see you there!!
Looks like fun. Sorry I'm missing, but VEGAS IS CALLING BABY !!!
You hittin Crossfit in Vegas? Have fun dude. If you hit big you can always fly me out there. Just sayin. Partners right?
i'm so jealous!!!!
Another team Wod and I loved it!! Teamed up with Brandon, our team name...Sidekicks. Glad to team up with you Brandon...we both did thrusters with DB's rx'd and did a total of 5 1/2 rounds + 4.
Cash out 50 pullups with breaks...did small sets. Initially wanted to do 30 but ended up practicing the kip and did them all..thanks Nick! And my hands did not break open....yayyyyy:) See you on Saturday!
Open Gym this morning. A little shocker.
Did 5-5-5-5-5 Dead Lifts
First time doing heavy Dead Lifts since "the incident", and that is pretty close to a PR.
See ya at 4:30
Did yesterdays workout as a cash out. Rx'd it in 9:33. So sweet to see muscle ups in a WOD!! Awesome programming. Had to hit it up
Not able to make it to the Vegas box while I'm out here. You should leave your phone on ALL night ... just in case I do HIT IT BIG !!!
No need to be jealous ... Eh, who am I kidding, YES THERE IS !!!
Steve P. & I were a team for this morning's wod
"The Dead Presidents"
We both Rx'd-5 rounds, +1=Steve
It was almost impossible for me to cheer and support b/c I was too busy catching my breath! By round 3-the row caught up quickly!
Fun times this morning at 9:30-everyone did awesome!
Kelly: congratulations on your new puppy "Miss Molly".
Bitch Patrol
Maria and I made our own team wod. 15 min amrap, 20 double unders and a 200 m row.
6 rds, 20 Du's and 31 m row. Great job Maria, your DU's rock.
Team Chub and Chubbier
6 rds + 10 thrusters + 20m
Joey O- 35lb db
Wayne O- 75lb bar
Open gym today...good thing, right Coach! Ha!
Great watching the 9:30 crew! Loved the team names :)
Team Baby Mama Drama! @ 5:30
I was teamed up with Jen.
5 rounds w/45 for thrusters, she did awesome!
"Three the hard way", Sam + Kev + Me, 5 and a half rounds plus 7 thrusters.
Team "All Out" Brigid and Kelli.
5+1 45lbs for Brigid RX'd for me. Literally thought I would die on my last round, done in like a minute forty...
and then, instead of cashing out with pullups I practiced DU's and...
Actually more than one..but not strung together..yet!! Thanks Mark and Maria for the help and support!! Maria got her first DU too!!
Kelli and Maria....congrats on your DU's!!
team Grumpy Old Men
Kevin M & Breeze
RX'd 6rd + 2 thrusters
Great partnering with ya Kev.
nick thanks for showin me how to connect those! i honestly never thought i'd ever be able to do it thats why i was so stoked! probably one of my biggest achievements ever doing that...BIG DAY
ky your next
After only 9 months...i actually got a du and a pull up!!!!Thanks for the help Mark and Kelli!
Great job Kelli!!!
Me and Matt got 5rds + 1 rd thrusters + 146m
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