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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Could you hold the mirror while I turn...thanks...

Thank you to all the veterans and active duty personnel!!
We appreciate all you do!!

Off The Grid Challenge
WOD's and Standards
Check 'em out HERE!!
- Remember to bring your own Jump Ropes for the Competition -

Bench Press
(Last completed 10/18/10)

Hang Power Cleans 155/105lbs
Push Ups

Hang Power Cleans descend while the Push Ups ascend.
10 HPC - 4 Push Ups, 8 HPC - 8 Push Ups, 6 HPC - 12 Push Ups....2 HPC - 20 Push Ups

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.

- Happy Birthday to my brother Tony DiMatteo, the reason why we all have CrossFit in our lives today - Thank you, Tony!! -

Come out and support your fellow CrossFitters Saturday in the Off The Grid Challenge in Williamstown from 9:30 am to 5pm?  Hope to see you there!!


Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Happy birthday, Tony! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! :)

Doug said...

Seriously, thanks Tony!!

Also, I wanted to put the word out with hope to get some volunteers for a school event that I am planning for Wednesday, December 15th. The time is TBD but it would be in the early evening. It's a Family Fun Night for students and their parents. I do it once a year, usually with a theme. This year I want to educate families on Crossfit.

Here's an outline of what I had in mind...
Possibly have one of our coaches start the night with providing some information on crossfit, followed by an athlete sharing a success story, then moving into the gym where we could have some of our athletes/coaches teach the basic movements of crossfit in a 3-5 minute station format. At the end I was thinking of having a huge group tabata workout.

If you are interested in lending a hand give me a shout either on the blog or in person!!

PaddyMcD said...

nice sucky one today,
Lift: 135, 155, 155 (2, 1)
WOD: 115 lbs, 8:31, f'n pushups ;-(

great crew at 9:30, way to keep us movin' Joe
coming on Saturday to cheer on the crew, let's kill it everyone!!

Amanda said...



Rx'd although 105lbs was a lil on the heavy side, I managed to get through the workout. I won't lie that I contemplated taking 10lbs off : )


Joe O said...


140(3)-160(3)-180(7) still on wendler

Wod rx'd 3:59

Push ups really caught up last half of the 16s and the 20s. Grip fried. Nice job 530!

Jax said...

This was a good workout for me. Felt strong.

Lift: 65, 75, 85 Should've gone heavier. Now I know for next time. It'd been a good 6 months since my last bench press.

Wod: 95 lbs. 6:40 First time doing 95 for hang cleans. Good weight :)

Nice work 4:30! See you tomorrow!