Thank you to all the veterans and active duty personnel!!
We appreciate all you do!!
Off The Grid Challenge
We appreciate all you do!!
Off The Grid Challenge
WOD's and Standards
Bench Press
(Last completed 10/18/10)
Hang Power Cleans 155/105lbs
Push Ups
Hang Power Cleans descend while the Push Ups ascend.
10 HPC - 4 Push Ups, 8 HPC - 8 Push Ups, 6 HPC - 12 Push Ups....2 HPC - 20 Push Ups
Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.
- Happy Birthday to my brother Tony DiMatteo, the reason why we all have CrossFit in our lives today - Thank you, Tony!! -
Come out and support your fellow CrossFitters Saturday in the Off The Grid Challenge in Williamstown from 9:30 am to 5pm? Hope to see you there!!
Happy birthday, Tony! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! :)
Seriously, thanks Tony!!
Also, I wanted to put the word out with hope to get some volunteers for a school event that I am planning for Wednesday, December 15th. The time is TBD but it would be in the early evening. It's a Family Fun Night for students and their parents. I do it once a year, usually with a theme. This year I want to educate families on Crossfit.
Here's an outline of what I had in mind...
Possibly have one of our coaches start the night with providing some information on crossfit, followed by an athlete sharing a success story, then moving into the gym where we could have some of our athletes/coaches teach the basic movements of crossfit in a 3-5 minute station format. At the end I was thinking of having a huge group tabata workout.
If you are interested in lending a hand give me a shout either on the blog or in person!!
nice sucky one today,
Lift: 135, 155, 155 (2, 1)
WOD: 115 lbs, 8:31, f'n pushups ;-(
great crew at 9:30, way to keep us movin' Joe
coming on Saturday to cheer on the crew, let's kill it everyone!!
Rx'd although 105lbs was a lil on the heavy side, I managed to get through the workout. I won't lie that I contemplated taking 10lbs off : )
140(3)-160(3)-180(7) still on wendler
Wod rx'd 3:59
Push ups really caught up last half of the 16s and the 20s. Grip fried. Nice job 530!
This was a good workout for me. Felt strong.
Lift: 65, 75, 85 Should've gone heavier. Now I know for next time. It'd been a good 6 months since my last bench press.
Wod: 95 lbs. 6:40 First time doing 95 for hang cleans. Good weight :)
Nice work 4:30! See you tomorrow!
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