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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lay it all on the line...

'Helen' at the Williamstown Box

(New Williamstown photos in the gallery...check 'em out!)

rEsT dAy

There will be no sessions on Saturday March 27, 2010.


Mark said...

Great work today everyone! Awesome weather and a great group of peeps to hit the WOD with!

Even the hungover crew did well!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Congrats to Leanna and Mike on their engagement!!! :)

So good to be back. Great job this morning everybody. Looking forward to the week ahead!

Atlee said...

Me: Nick, have you been running to get ready for the Tough Mudder?
Nick: Kev, I don't run. I just show up and win races.

Something very Zen about that statement.

Joe O said...

There's a huge ditch filled with ice water behind the new box, complete with woodland hills and trails. perfect for training

Higher Order Living said...

Kev - everyone loves your idea for a shirt...I think we're going to go with it. It's not necessarily something you would run it in, but it'll show that you were apart of our team and actually did it. I'm assuming our t-shirt will be of better quality and design...lol

Joe and Justin have already gone for a swim in our septic hole that's yet to be tied into the building....crazy!

Looking at those hills again today, they don't look very big - kinda disappointed.