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Friday, March 6, 2009

Body strength..

3 Rounds
400m Run
21 K2E
12 SDHP 95/65lbs

K2E - Knees to Elbows (without swinging)
SDHP - Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Post time to comments.

100 Day Burpee Challenge
Day 96 - 96
Buy in - 4656

What gymnastics or body weight movement do you want to learn or perfect? Is it the Handstand, Handstand Push-Up on parallettes, Muscle-Up, Front Planche, Front/Back Lever, Front/Back Flip, Tumbling, One Arm Pull-Up, Human Flag, L-sit, etc...
Post your thoughts to comments.

The standing back flip and tumbling have always been two I would love to learn.

Watching this video should help motivate you to pursue your potential. I am now searching for ways to practice back flips - without killing myself.


pcleary said...

As Rx'd


I can take easily a minute off that time if I am not running across the damn gym to the treadmill, then waiting for the treadmill to startup.

The K2Es killed me. The first set I had one break. The last set I had like 5.

sert11 said...

I would like to anything on the rings, have to find time to pratice.