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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The horizon is always the same distance away...

No Classes at either box tomorrow in the AM, only 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30pm!

Burpee Challenge

Day 32

Rest Day!!

Sign-Up NOW for Fight Gone Bad 6!!
Register below at your corresponding gym and for more details.
FGB is a global fundraiser for The Wounded Warrior Project. We do this 'Fight Gone Bad' workout to honor our Fallen/Wounded/Current Veterans.
Participate for a great cause!
Last year we had over 50 participants. Let's crush that number this year. Bring friends, family members, neighbors, etc to experience our AMAZING Community - either to workout or just watch.

Meghan S

Dan C
Kelli G
Sam M


JP said...

Hope everyone faired well through the storm... clean-up doesn't seem to be too bad for many in the area. Heading over to Ventnor to see if we can get a look at the beach... or what's left of it.

Also, being cooped up inside led to some dietary indiscretions... beers, chips, pretzels. Grrr... should've made sure that stuff wasn't in the house before we locked ourselves in!!! Oh well, just that much more work to do.

See you all this week!

Higher Order Living said...

Thanks JP!

I second the thought - Hope everyone's safe and sound!

Enjoy the week ahead!