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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

There's always a fortune in mis-fortune...

Heavy OHSQ
(Last completed 4/7, 3/10, 2/3/10)

"The Zombie"
12 min/AMRAP
100m Sprint Forward
100m Sprint Backward
7 Deadlifts BW
7 Burpees

Post loads, rounds and thoughts to comments.

The June 26th Saturday morning classes in EHT will be held in Williamstown @ 9:30am for the Community WOD - 'Murph'

We will be staying at the garage for the entire WOD. If you'd like to see the new box at the conclusion of the WOD, we would be more than happy to escort you over. We will be having a Post-WOD BBQ at the garage. Also, feel free to make good use of the pool after the WOD!!! Hope to see you all there!


K-Swat said...

Hopefully I'll get in to see you all today at 630. I have been going through withdrawls:)

Atlee said...

I know a great WOD for Saturday: tracking down Williamstown inspectors and kicking their asses for time. WTF!!!!! Who do you have to bribe to open up a frigging gym around here?

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Good luck today W'town 9:30.
Be there tomorrow.


sert11 said...

K-pop going to do Sat w/ tactial vest & plate, BDU's & sneakers.

Stacey said...

W'town feel free to jump in the pool today or tonight after the WOD, it's gonna be hot! I have plenty of towels here!!!

K-Swat said...

E - I'll do Boots, BDU's, Tac vest, not sure about the plate though?

Unknown said...

Hey guys thanks for having me.

Check us out at crossfitpeachtree.com.

John Aja murdock

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

USA-USA-USA-USA-USA !!!!!!!!!!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

John, great working out with you!

Breeze said...

HOT HOT HOT today. Thanks for the AC Nick.
OHSQTs 95-105-115-115-125F
Wod Rx 185 lbs Dead lift 6 rds

brett said...

I dont want to go in the pool stacey!!!!

K-Swat said...

Lift: 85, 95, 105, 115, 125(f)

WOD: 6 rds and a sprint