7 rounds for time
3 Dead Lifts 275/185
5 CTB Pull ups
7 Box Jumps 24"
100 meter sprint
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We all know that when working out together we push ourselves harder. Results come quicker when really raising your intensity beyond its status quo. Who in the OTG Community is the one that pushes and inspires you to work harder and scratch your way past that tipping point?
My source of inspiration and drive comes from working out w/ Mark.
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It's hard for me to pick ONE member over anyone else simply becauase I come at all different times throughout the week, so the faces are always changing. Having anyone there is helpful ... so much better than working alone.
That being said, I would say that having either Nick or Mark there pushing me with their comments certainly helps we to work harder than I ever thought I could.
Thanks guys and thanks everyone.
I have a few things that push me...first I would have to say anyone that pushes themselves past the limits of comfort. It could be someone new or someone who has been there for some time. When I see other people pushing the limits, it really gets me pumped and I've got to push myself.
Second: the "book" a record of all my workouts, if I'm not breaking the old times or new PR's, then I'm not pushing enough.
Third: the voice in the back of my head, telling me to stop, and when I'm about to listen, Mark / Nick yelling....sweet!!!!!!!
Would have to go with me Sponsor, Eric. When I first started @ OTG I wouldn't even come if he wasn't coming. Every time I've wanted to give up or just slow down, the threat of his physical and verbal retaliation were enough to push me through! And his motivating work related comments that only me and him understand! There, I'm done blowing E.
"Sic vis pacem para bellum"
I would say that for the most part I train by myself probably about 85% of the time. But when I am there lately it has been me and Mark, so Mark he's the one that makes me go harder. Other then him I would have to say the other trainers as well, Nick, Brett and Justin. Whenever I'm there or working on my own I always have in the back of my mind, "These guys are watching, I better keep going, I can rest when I'm done".
Mark is more of a "hey buddy I want you to do great" motivator, whereas Nick is more of a "are you f-ing kidding me, your gonna stop and rest now?!" kind of motivator. You don't want to let Mark down, and you want to prove to Nick that your not a puss. Both motivate me tons more than I would myself. Also, having everyone cheering you on and having a healthy competitin is great. Whenever I see a new, young wipper snapper come in I immediatly want to push harder. I hate those little bastards, they're machines!
Working out with the girls and with Jen C this summer has motivated me beyond belief. But I think its myself that is the biggest motivator. I always want to know I put everything into each wod. Without question its been Mark and Nick that bring that out in me. If they believe in me, then I should also!
After 3 weeks at OTG, my muscles ache (which seems like constantly), my confidence level sucks especially with my form, and my focus waivers between "I can" and I can't" at every WOD. But with Mark and Nick taking a personal interest in my WOD and warm-ups (how do they remember what weights I did, etc. at last weeks WOD???), providing me with special tips for enchancing my form and inspiring me mentally, I strive to work the hardest I can, regardless of the morning-after-pain. Thank you Mark and Nick for your dedication to helping others. Thank you to all the trainers and my workout family who encourage and push. Each WOD re-ignites my PASSION for OTG!! Thank you. See you tomorrow :-)
hahaha kev ur too funny..i must say kev, you motivate me on wednesday mornings when you tell me every time that your going to beat me....leanna has been a great motivation because what i lack she is strong in...she always pushes me in the metcon workouts...nick always knows exactly what to say or do when i want to quit...also my competitive nature is a great motivation personally
Did this one RX'd in 11:09.
I am definitely slipping a little this month. Work has been killer, Ryan started soccer, and Shane is starting fall baseball. I need that 6:30 AM workout, because "after work" is too tough to make. I'm losing my rythm.
Mark and Nick are great, but I never work out with them. I worked out with Brett only once, a LONG time ago.
ONE is tough. Joey O would probably be the one who has pushed me the most, but we haven't worked out much together lately. If I was 10 years younger, maybe I could catch up.
During the last 8 months, in no particular order, Leanna, Wayne, and Adam. Each freaks in their own right, give me that inspiration.
Missing Crossfit... been away for a week. Went to visit friends in Indiana. Will definitely try to make it on Saturday... only been doing my runs for workout, I'm up to 8mi. 3x/wk. See ya all on Saturday.
Everyone's been a great motivator at OTG - esp the trainers. I know I've gotten stronger and faster in the last 3 mos doing Crossfit.
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