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Thursday, January 5, 2012


New session time: Thursdays @ 4:30pm

"2010 Sectional WOD#2 - ADV"
15 Min time limit
14 Front Squats 95/65lbs
120 Singles
12 Front Squats
140 Singles
10Front Squats
160 Singles
8 Front Squats
180 Singles
6Front Squats
200 Singles

"2010 Sectional WOD#2"
15 Min time limit
10 Front Squats 155/95lbs
20 Double Unders
8 Front Squats
30 Double Unders
6 Front Squats
40 Double Unders
4 Front Squats
50 Double Unders
2 Front Squats
60 Double Unders
(Last completed 5/5/11)

Coach's Call...

Post time and thoughts to comments.


NicoleStef said...

I'm looking forward to doing more then 5 double unders in a row!! I'm gonna do this workout at lafitness tonight fb/ advanced singles.

See you guys tomorrow!

PaddyMcD said...

nice revisiting this one, I used 135 Lbs, soo close,.... at the 15 min mark i was on 4 outta 60 DU's, when i checked last May i did the ADV, so progress is happening, slow & steady..... great job 9:30!!

SheriWalsh said...

Fb. RXd 9:54. Second round is the worst. Great cash out! good job everyone!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I thought I never did this wod...looking back I've done it twice. How could I forget,I hate front squats!! The first time was on 3/31/10, my first month doing crossfit..rx'd and it took me over 17 mins...the second was on 5/5/11 rx'd 9:00....and today I rx'd 7:13(pr). Great job 930! Another big and energetic class that kept me going! See you in the a.m!

Higher Order Living said...

Well done 9:30 Wtown!! Great efforts!
See how you compared to the athletes that competed almost 2 years ago!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the site Nick!

Boeingch47 said...

FB: Rxd 12:49 DUs need work, they definitely slowed me down.
Great job 9:30!

ChrisStraga said...

Firebreather at 135lbs 9:00

Had no confidence to RX it, and lacked confidence in FRSQ during WOD as I dropped it way too much. Mad at myself for not committing.

Fun cashout, fun 2k row and muscle ups for second cashout.

Theresa and Auria you girls are insane with your times

Kozmo said...

I did this work outs as one my first did not finish

Adv 95 -13:33

Justin O said...

Felt good getting one in tdy! Great class at 4:30

FB rx'd: 5:42
previous time: 7:46

cash out: 500m row: 1:39.7

...You'll always be "Sugarcoat" to me!

MedicSabella said...

awsome job 9:30!! First day back in 10 days after extensive illness. Little nervous but rocked out this WOD.

Adv: Rx'd 12:28

Cash out was tough, but felt good.

Love watching Theresa, Aurea and Lali. Forces me to push. See you in the a.m.

Amanda said...

It was my first time doing this wod and I actually loved it! I didn't love how much my legs burned after tho.

FB: rx'd 8:28...all squats unbroken and strangely enough the squats were easy which makes me happy.

Thanks for the push Lorraine, great working out next to you!

Great coaching Mark and thanks for adding the 4:30 class on Thursdays : )

Doug said...


Nikki O said...

Nice PR Theresa!
Awesome time Doug!

Love all the W'town bloggers!!!

kellynino said...

Fb: 9:01 65lb... My double unders dragged me down the last two rounds!!!

SheriWalsh said...

Doug and Justin O. those times blow my mind. Wowzers... great work!

rochs said...

Did on 1/6/12 @ open gym. FB Rx 11:45

Rainy said...

Rxd 5:46 First time doIng this workout.

Amanda it was great working out next to you! I didn't think I could even power clean 95lbs you pushed ME thank you:)