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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I trust you all the same...


New session time: Thursdays @ 4:30pm

"2010 Sectional WOD #1 - ADV"
15 min Time Limit
Row 1K
40 Burpees
Row 1K

"2010 Sectional WOD #1"
15 min Time Limit
Row 1K
30 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"
Row 1K
(Last completed 5/4/11)

Training Notes:
Burpee Box Jumps - Complete a burpee and then a box jump.  Feet must be completely on the box at some point during the box jump.

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Ed said...

WOD FB: 12:08 the second row got tough... Thanks Mark Good job 9:30!

Frank McGuigan said...

pulled my back at work yesterday, and i cant move too well today :( prob wont be back in til monday. see you guys then

Boeingch47 said...

"Cough, Cough" Great workout today "cough, cough"
Rx'd 10:39
Loved everyones energy we all pushed really hard "cough, cough". See you all tomorrow. "cough, cough"

SheriWalsh said...

Fb: 12:17. Good job everyone! Cough!

Stepheey said...


2nd row was rough!
Nice job Ed, Norm and hubby that beat me by one second : )
Thanks for the kind words today Mark ; )

BeccaCohen said...

12:20. Today was fun. Almost puked on the box jumps, but I held it in ;)

PaddyMcD said...

13:21 today, thanks all for the push, checked the log and did 13:29 last May, i'll take the slight improvement, great job 9:30, see yas in the am...

Kozmo said...

boy i had no zuzu this morning.
13:50 ill be happy back at 9:30

NicoleStef said...

great workout! the last 500m wasnt too bad, i should've been faster on the burpee/box jumps

FB/24" box

rochs said...

Rx 12:05

Steve T said...

Rx'd - 11:31

Matt Mazzoni said...

9 seconds slower than last time. Great efforts by all tonight. Josh that was an inspiring effort; 9 something!

kelli g. said...

-4X2, 2 high-hang snatch pulls and 1hang squat snatch, 60 secs rest between sets. 80lbs
-4x2, 2 hang clean pulls 1 hang squat clean, 60 secs rest between. 95lbs

WOD:(alternate FB)
4rds 75DU's 8 burpee box jumps
best DU's to date!! 30 in a row!

great job 6:30! So happy to see you Stacey and the new puppy!! Great coaching Mark!

kellynino said...

FB: 14:01... I think I could've done better... I suck at rowing!

JP said...
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JP said...

Really need to work on getting my row on... Mark, you think you can get Neil to setup a clinic???