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Friday, January 6, 2012

Dominant Legs...

50 Pull Ups

10 Rds
1 Min of work
20 sec/AMRAP
Box Jumps 20"
20 sec/AMRAP
20 ft Shuttle Sprints
20 sec/AMRAP
No Push-Up Burpees
Rest 1 Min

Post totals and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
Buy In:  Complete 50 Pull Ups before starting the workout.
The workout is strictly Aerobic and should be done at a sustainable pace, maintaining the same work output for each round.


Ky said...

Realized late last night that it was my two year mark! I am so thankful for cross fit. It has changed me in many positive ways. I will never be able to enter a "regular" gym again. Thank you to all the coaches for making me go heavier, push harder, and enjoy working out. And a big thank you to the williamstown 630 crew, who make me happy to come everyday.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 2yr anniversary Ky!!!

Had the chance to hit a 630am class...man this woke me up!!
WOD totals:
Box jumps:134
pullups: took me over 5 min...the bar was ice cold, hard to hold on to:|
Legs were on fire with the sprints..way to push Leah, Rich, and Rich!!

Doug said...

Awesome Ky!

This wod crushed me today. Very unassuming...again.

Nice big group of 11 in this morning!

Worked next to J today. Lightning fast!

Box Jumps were about 16-17
Sprints about 6-7
Burpees about 9-10

Awesome work today everyone, and great wod Nick.

Higher Order Living said...

Congratulations Ky!! We love having you as part of the family!

Fun times this morning in EHT! Thx Doug!

SheriWalsh said...

pullups 3:33. Tried some butterflies but mostly all regular.

Box jumps 141, sprint 67, burpees 70

Kozmo said...

wow some great numbers

bj 98

finish with a nice jog for the record rich it was 2.4 miles thought they were going have to medivac me to cooper

ChrisStraga said...

Buy in: 50 UNBROKEN Pull ups!! 59secs...never did more than more than 25unbroken before7

WOD: worked with Sheri so she pushed me a ton on her minute rest, thanks Sheri!

BJ: 164
SS: 80
NPBP: 93

Cashout: 4 sets light overhead squat with Auria helping me with form..thanks Auria

ChrisStraga said...

The "before7" is a typo...supposed to say "before!"................Sorry

PaddyMcD said...

another humbling day ay OTG, great job 9:30, awesome efforts, i think it was 3:51 for the pull ups, awesome job Chris! WOD: 99-58-60, thanks Brian for the push!!
Hav a great weekend all :-)

PaddyMcD said...

oh, and CONGRATS Kyleigh!!!

Rich N said...

It was definitely an awakening experience at 6:30 this morning. Haven't done 6:30 in quite a while. Great job Theresa, Leah and Rich.

Run- 60
Burpees- 59 really slumped with them.

Nice 10:30a Run with Andrew, Jim, Rachel and Chelsea. Perfect weather for a run.

Justin O said...

Great time this morning in EHT, nice to have so many new faces show up!

BJ: 195 (maintained 19-20)
Sprints:81 (maintained 8, last rd9)
Burpees: 117 (maintained 11-12)

thanks for the push Doug, loved doing this along side you!

Breeze said...

Packed House at 6:30 Am today in EHT

BJ : 165

Sprints 62

Burpee Box Jump 79

great coaching this am Nick!

Casey R. said...

The only one to show up @ 4:30 today! That was not fun. Lol!
Pullups: 2:42
BJ: 104
Shuttle: 67
No push up burpees: 69
Not great but it will get better! Thanks for the help Joe.

MedicSabella said...

Great job 9:30 Packed house of energy. Definatly felt my 10 days away with the buy in. 50 Pull Ups - 4:56.

BJ : 73 / Shuttle: 52 / Burpees: 52

See you guys next week!!

JP said...

:68 unbroken on the Pullup buy-in.

BJ: 195
Burpees: 95

Thanks for the push KSWAT, doing this along side you and keeping up was def a challenge!!!

Justin O said...

Breeze, nice work on those burpee box jumps! ha

kelli g. said...

Pullup buyin: 4:05, so close to being under 4mins, but on the 49th pullup i literally fell off the bar...oh well.

So 250 double unders on Weds and another 200 yesterday does not make for fast box jumps!! My calves are so smoked, I"ve been walking like Frankenstien all day!!

BJ: 79

at least the run and the burpees are respectable!!
great job everyone! That was brutal!!

NicoleStef said...

Great wod! I was must proud of finally being able to Kips without crying over how bad my hands hurt! It took me 5:26 but I did it!!

The sprint, burpee, bj combo was brutal. I def could've done more box jumps if they were first!!

Run:78 burpee: 75: box jump: 69

Casey R. said...

Good job Nicole!