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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yeah Yeah!....

12 Min
Build to a Heavy Single

"The Chase - ADV"
30 KB Swings 1.5/1 pd
25 Hollow Rock
15 De-Load Push Ups
20 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rock
25 De-Load Push Ups
10 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rock
35 De-Load Push Ups

12 Min
Squat Clean and Push/Split Jerk
Build to a Heavy Single

"The Chase"
30 KB Swings 1.5/1 pd
25 Hollow Rock
10 Ring Push Ups
20 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rock
20 Ring Push Ups
10 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rock
30 Ring Push Ups

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.


Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Uh huh, uh huh!

Kozmo said...

out standing class 9:30

happy birthday matt hope u have a good day!

Thruster heavy 1 145

wod/adv 6:49

SheriWalsh said...

FB: lift 105 then failed at 115. I was able to squat clean the 115 but it's like I forget to jerk once whe weight gets heavier. I wish I wasn't so afraid of it.

WOD: FB Rx 6:54.

PaddyMcD said...

Wow, Huge class today, great job 9:30, Lift: 165, WOD, a dismal 11:44, them ring pu's are a killer, thanks for the push everyone, see yas in the am....

ChrisStraga said...

9:30 great class, and just like Sheri my form seems to falter sometimes when the weight goes up! (my screaming forearm will tell you)

Lift: 155 squat clean jerk

WOD: FB RX'd..Board said 5:37 but I am pretty positive Auria beat me by a few seconds so could have been 5:40-43....(did 12 extra reps for Nick No Repping me to be fair)

Cashout: 10 clean and jerk, 10 pullups, 30 double unders 3min rest...4rds
Did 95lbs for first two and 115lbs for last two rounds, averaged 1:45 for each round....Boy, today was tough!!

Stepheey said...

Lift Worked on my technique with Justin at 65 85 and 95

Wod : think it was around 9:07 need to write things down- part of my new years plan! last set up ring pus were pretty ugly I think

Nikki O said...

Still no lift...

Left arm KB @ 15lbs
Left arm wall P/U

Thanks Priya for calling my KB "cute" and great job on your lift! :)

Great job Tim, Betsey & Rob! Thanks Justin.

Kozmo said...

that was 8:49 my bad

kelli g. said...

Lift: 135
..this is not my max clean or max jerk, but it is a new PR for Clean and jerk. Cleans felt a little sloppy today, jerk was UGLY, really need to work on it..

WOD: 8:40 rx'd
I was a full round ahead until the set of 20 RPU's then the whole class caught me! Great job tonight 6:30!

PatrickRadioPro said...

What a great group of CrossFitters! Everyone made me feel so welcomed and I'm looking forward to the 6:30am class tomorrow.

It was a great start to my 40th birthday!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

This is one of my favorites.

FB: RX 4:51
Done on 12/31/11