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Friday, June 10, 2011

The world is a safe place...

Our schedule has changed for the week of Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

Member Appreciation WOD/Party!!
Saturday June 25, 2011
Williamstown @ 

WOD - "Murph"
Food/Drinks/Pool/Fun back at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

"FranLungeAnnie - ADV"
2 Rds
21 Thrusters 65/45lbs
15 Pull Ups
30 Walking Lunges
21 Box Dips
150 Singles
50 Sit Ups
Rest 3 min

2 Rds
15 Thrusters 95/65lbs
15 Pull Ups
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
15 Ring Dips
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
Rest 3 min

Coach's Call...

Post splits and thoughts to comments.


PaddyMcD said...

wow, that uh, ... sucked real good!
WOD: FB, 75 Lbs, red band on rings, 22:10, felt a lot longer, but on a good note did my Pull Ups & Dbl Uders RX'd, great job everyone, hav a great weekend all !

priya said...

FB, purple band on ring dips and Rx weight.
First round: 9:54
Second round: 11:20

kyle said...

Hello all, didn't get a chance to say good bye or thank you to Nick,Mark,Justin for beating me up over my 7 months with otg. Moved to Brooklyn and not close enough to a gym to go regularly. I will be stealing the otg workouts to do at the gym in my building. Don't worry Nick I will give you credit if anyone asks me what I'm doing. Good luck to all and I will come and pay for my workouts when I am down to check on my house.

kyle said...

Oh yea, I can't forget to thank all the people that helped push me as well. OTG is a great community and I hope to return.

Nipur said...

WOD rx'd
6:30 first round
12:23 second round fell apart

This type of workout really hits my weakness-- anything more than one round.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Loved the workout! Thanks, Nick! Nice job today, Russ and Kristi! Thanks for being my lunch buddies! :)

1st Round: 5:44
2nd Round: 8:23
Total time: 17:07

Have a great weekend everybody!

Nikki O said...

Hey Jax & Mary not posting tonight? You both must be all talked out!! LOL! :)

My modified version of tonights WOD:

2 rnds
21 jumping squats w/ 10 lb med ball
15 push ups
30 walking lunges
200 m run
21 GHD raises
50 sit ups
rest 3 mins

1st: 5:49
2nd: 5:48

Testing out the elbow/shoulder with the limited amount of push ups. So far fells good. I must admit I actually feel scared to do more. Ut oh!

mike said...

wod fb rx'd- 1st rd. 7:02- 2nd rd. 10:56- total with rest 20:58 that wod hurt

Mary B-hof said...

nikki nikki nikki....i'm saddened by your defense of nick and his "trial" highlights (by "trial" i mean 8-12 months of application and maintenance). fun working out with you today!

fb: red band for ring dips, rx'd everything else
1st round: 8:40
2nd round: 9:33
total time: 21:13
first time doing pull ups in 3 weeks...yikes!

nice work 430. fun class. jackie...we are amused way too easily. always a pleasure nick! enjoy this week's edition of "jet" magazine.