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Saturday, June 11, 2011

When it rains, it's not a lousy day, just a wet one...

Our schedule has changed for the week of Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

Member Appreciation WOD/Party!!
Saturday June 25, 2011
Williamstown @ 
WOD - "Murph"
Food/Drinks/Pool/Fun back at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

"2011 Reg. WOD #6 - ADV"
Teams of 2-4

20 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
30 Thrusters 65/45
60 Sit Ups
200 ft Walking Lunge
50 ft Sprint

"2011 Reg. WOD #6"
Teams of 2-4
20 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
30 Ground to Overhead DB 45/35 
(or 115/75 Barbell Clean and Jerks)
30 T2B
100 ft Overhead Walking Lunge 45/25
50 ft Sprint

Teams must start 1 person at the Row, once they're completed and move to the next movement, Teammate #2 follows in the rotation.  You may only advance movements when the person in front of you is clear of that movement.

Post time, team and thoughts to comments.


Incident said...

Happy Saturday All!
Went into to work on regional work outs with the team this morning.
Jax, Justin, Doug-you guys are AWESOME! I feel so honored to be going through this w/ you. You're such amazing athletes!
So we worked on order, timing, communication and we modified work out's 1 and 4 to get a better feel for the flow of things. All in all, a great exercise to do and I think it's safe to say that we feel confident and we're ready!
Paul & Kelli-you're going to do great!
Ton-thanks for the C2B and OHSQ tips. Extremely helpful!
Good work everyone! Nice crowd for the 8:30 too!

Jax said...

Today made me very excited for regionals! I think we are well-prepared, and today really helped solidify our team communication and strategy.

Bambi, Justin, Doug - You guys were great today! I am soo excited to be doing the workouts with you!

Paul - Lets break 200 on that thruster! You and Kelli will do great on your wods!

I am happy to say that now I get to give my body a little rest before next weekend. See you guys this week for some light work :)

Justin O said...

I couldn't agree more bambi & Jax, solid practice today! Nice to work some of the bugs out and build confidence. I think we have a great game plan now, which is key. We know what we have to do so lets just go and do it but most importantly have FUN! You guys all rock, looking forward to an amazing experience next weekend!
Lets all listen to the good advice from Slick and go light this week. Rest up & stretch.

Paul, Kelli & Kristi do great, I know you will!

Bean town here we come boooyyyy, how do you like them apples?

kelli g. said...

Just waking up! Thanks for all the great words guys! Wish I could be in the more "team" oriented WODs, to help you all out, but I know you all will do AMAZING!!
I know all the hard work we have all put in is going to pay off in big ways! I'm so proud and happy to be going with you all!

anyway...last two nights of work tonight and tomorrow and then I'm sure the anxiety will really set in!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Just a shout out to the OTG Team: Great work preparing for next week! The experience is going to be amazing!

No doubt that both of our teams will represent strong, give it their all and leave their mark!

Justin, thanks and awesome quote! :)

Breeze said...

Justin,Doug,Jackie, aNd Bambi
You guys did great this morning, your strategy and communication with each other looked on point.

Can say enough how great it is being on the team with Justin ,Doug ,Steve ,Michelle, Kelli,Bambi and Jackie .

Looking forward to all of use competing next weekend and watching OTG, off the Grid and Kristi give it there all and as Justin said let's have Fun!

Steve M said...

Glad to hear you guys had a great trial run this morning. Sorry I couldn't make it. Communication will be the most important thing and only practice will make that work.

Rest up and drink tons of water this week...stay hydrated