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Friday, June 3, 2011

We are always perfect, always beautiful, and ever changing...

"The Nasty Girls - ADV"
5 Rds
20 Walking Lunges
10 Ring Rows
10 Push Press 95/65lbs

"The Nasty Girls"
3 Rds
50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
(Last completed 1/7/10)

Coach's Call...


Justin O said...

Great time as usual at 6:30 tdy!
Thanks for joining us Paul, hopefully you make it a regular occurance.
Awesome job by everyone, sorry I missed the cash out had to get to work...

FB: 11:38 (not full extension on the MU, I will have to work on those)

Thanks for the push Nick.

Kevin M said...

Yeah, fun times, for sure.

FB: 11:56 (also did not go to full extension on the MUs, but was happy to make it through the cleans with 135).

Cash out:

Sled pull w/Paul: Failed. (Paul - I'm pretty sure it was my chicken legs, not your diet.)

Sled pull w/Nick: snail's pace.

Doug - way to kill it. Glad to see you learned how to "pace" the WODs.

Doug said...

Couldn't have asked for a better morning. Awesome stuff.

FB: 9:03. Reached up to the false grip each time. Tried a few without and they were not happening. Mostly went to full extension at the bottom.

Cashout- Pulled Steve M, good times. Had a brief meeting with an old friend Pukie in the bathroom after. Sled pulls are no joke!!

Great efforts today by all as always!!

Yeah Kev, great videos on the games site of Dan Baileys final open workout. Definately have a better understang of pacing now.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Hey! Happy to see some sled pullin! I'll bring the rest of the harnesses in when I get back! Woo hoo!

Miss you guys!

Hit the WOD at CrossFit Kaizen in Vegas this morning.

7 50m sprints then "Randy"
RX'd 4:22

PB and JACKED said...

Jeff if I put a shotgun in my console can I drive like a jerkoff too?? I'm like look at this dude riding everyone in a charger I hope he gets pulled over... not likely

kelli g. said...

Nasty Girls was one of the first videos I ever watched, those ladies amazed me! Can't wait to see how Annie does this weekend!

WOD: FB: 13:23 subed jump throughs and 3 push ups for every MU. Rx'd weight.
Sled pulled Ed, uh yeah, not fun.

Then did 5 or 6? sets of 5 of 135 backsquat, focusing on speed out of the bottom. Was gonna go heavy but the legs were not liking it..

So great to see our friend "Bullet" Bob!! He sends his regards to everyone, and I updated him on what's been going on as I could! Hopefully we see him again soon!!

mike said...

wod: fb 14:37 115# jackie, standard procedure and the 100# paving stones I layed all week finally caught up to me. no excuses though. c u next week

Bullet Bob said...

It was awesome to see some old friends today and work out at OTG again! Nick, you're right, I missed ya! Thanks for having me back for the day and it was great to see all those new faces! All my best to everyone. Anyone interested in keeping in touch you can always reach me at bobsawyer@comcast.net Hope to see you all again soon. Rock on OTG!

Mary B-hof said...

LOL tony! Jeff.was cracking up when he was telling me.

Open gym. Worked on finding 1RM back squat...ended at 205 which was a 15lb pr.

Did 400m run 10 24" box jumps 20 hollow rocks x3 with Jackie.10:26 I think.

Great job today 430 and 530.
Bob....great to see you!

Breeze said...

Joined the 6:30 am club today ! Thanks for having me this am gang.
Did FB ,subbed 15 pull ups and 15 clapping pushups for the mu.cleans 115. 12 min and change.
Great job on the muscle ups Kevin Justin ,Steve and Doug

Sled pulled w Kevin , then Kevin and mike M dragged me. Around, that sled gets hot!
Have a great weekend