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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Change can be begin in this moment...

Bench Press

"Walk/FRSQ/Sit Ups"
3 Rds
200m Overhead Walk 45/25lbs
15 FRSQ 95/65lbs
25 Sit Ups

"HS Walk/FRSQ/T2B"
3 Rds
20m Handstand Walk
10 FRSQ 135/95lbs
12 T2B - Straight leg/No kip
(Last completed 8/21/09)

Post load, time and thoughts to comments.

200m Overhead Walk is with locked arms and engaged shoulders


Incident said...

Nice work this morning 9:30-Steph, Steve, Tony, Germaine, Faye, Jeff, Buzz, & Dean
Perfect weather for a leisurely stroll w/ a heavy plate over your heads!
Dean: lots of luck in Alaska.
Buzz: welcome back! It's officially summer when you're back in town!

Fran-good job on yesterday's work out!
Everyone: enjoy your weekend!

SheriWalsh said...

Great job 9:30 Williamstown. I did a good mix of FB and Adv. :) over head walk with 25, squat with 65, and T2b's that werent pretty but got through them. Was definitely feeling yesterday's WOD today.

Higher Order Living said...

Great fun this morning in EHT!! Well done everyone!!

kelli g. said...

WOD: FB 15:17, did not handstand walk, walked with plate overhead. RX'd everything else. T2B got sloppy toward second half of each set.
Great job 3:30!

Congrats Kasey for your first rx'd WOD!!

Mary B-hof said...

did panda in open gym today...did this one way back in sept a few weeks after i started. took me almost 8 minutes then with 45lb fr sq. Rx'd today in 5:40 (i think). worked on DU's for awhile after...able to get some pretty decent (for me) strings of 28-30

best part about today...justin putting on britney pandora station without me having to ask!

Steve M said...

yeah Justin is good for some Britney, I switched it to Katy Perry though later for the 530 class...

wod: 14:05 RX'd, almost, legs were not totally straight on the T2B but I didn't kip them. I did however work that handstand walk, very slowly

MILA said...

Ad, 10:53 rx :)