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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Would you use yesterday's garbage to make today's meal? Would you use yesterday's mental garbage to create tomorrow's experiences?

"2011 Regional Games WOD #4 - ADV"
Teams of 2
For time:
100 Pull Ups
125 KB Swings 1pd
400 Singles
100 Back Squat 85/60


"2011 Regional Games WOD #4"
Teams of 2
For time:
100 Pull Ups C2B
100 KB Swings 1.5/1pd
100 Double Unders
100 Overhead Squat 95/65

*1 person works at a time

Post time and thoughts to comments.


joedoyle said...

Tough one this morning, but I'm glad I was able to complete it (with a lot of help from my partner Dave). 22:17 for the Advanced WOD. Not bad for a couple of old guys.

Have a nice weekend everyone. Great job this morning.

priya said...

Fun at EHT this morning. Missed yesterday (trying to recover from my cold) so left the kids with the hubby and joined in this morning. I was going to do open gym, but the WOD was too tempting (did I just write that?). Yeah Jackie's the bomb. She did about 65% of the work, no joke. Still a vigorous work out for me. Sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I want to be able to string more pullups together! First time doing 65 OHSQ in a WOD, so I'm happy with that.
Our time was 20 something...

Jackie, you are one tough cookie. Props!

Anonymous said...

This was a great wod today. Lali and I teamed up, rx'd 18:03. As always, great job Lali! Thanks for the help with c2b today:) Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday! Way to get it everyone...Kelleigh, keep on going with the row...your doing great:)

Matt Mazzoni said...

The Barbell Club (Brett and I) teamed up for the wod this morning.
FB - 15:20