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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We are all here to transcend our early limitations...

Our schedule has changed for the week of Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

Member Appreciation WOD/Party!!
Saturday June 25, 2011
Williamstown @ 


WOD - "Murph"
Food/Drinks/Pool/Fun back at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

7 Min
Push up Ladder

Increasing reps each set 1, 2, 3, etc
You have 7 mins to complete as far up the ladder as you can UNBROKEN.  Use your time wisely.

7 Min
HSPU Ladder
Same as above

"The Fixer - ADV"
800m Run
60 Singles
20 Sit Ups
400m Run
90 Singles
30 Sit Ups
200m Run
120 Singles
40 Sit Ups


"The Fixer"
800m Run
20 Double Unders
20 Sit Ups
400m Run
30 Double Unders
30 Sit Ups
200m Run
40 Double Unders
40 Sit Ups
(Last completed 7/12/10)

Post ladder results, time and thoughts to comments.


Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Push-Up Ladder: 11
WOD (FB): 13:05 @ rx'd

Incident said...

Did this one yesterday after "Achilles"
Rx'd: 13:14, the last set of DU's were not coming together for me!
It's hot out there-remember your water! If worse comes to worse, there are a few water bottles that have been hanging around EHT for a couple weeks.

Buzz said...

HSPU 5 (twice...couldn't kip a 6th)
FB- 14:10

joedoyle said...

I'm glad I got this one in early today, as it is already hot.

Can't do double-unders consistently, nor HSPU, so did Advanced. Rx'd at 15:50. The runs really killed me.

For the lift, I was able to get to 10 in the 7 minutes.

Nice job 9:30.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Great job 9:30! Tina, so proud of you! Awesome efforts and strategies!

Skill: HSPU 9 (1abmat+10lb plate)
WOD: RX'd 11:06
Super happy with today! 1st rnd of DUs unbroken, 2nd rnd 26+4, 3rd rnd 10, 10, 15, 5
Last time I did this was last April with a 12:25.

Drink lots of water today! It's a hot one! :)

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

And the fridge is stocked at the box!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Michelle!
Pic looks great Nick:)
HSPU: 1abmat/10lb plate. I was doing my ladder did 8 then went up but bypassed 9 and did 10 reps so I really did 9 i guess...kinda felt easier than normal so next time I'll get rid of the plate.
WOD: rx'd 12:20, the last set of 40took me forever...actually found myself laying there a couple times feeling like I couldn't get up! Great job everyone!

PaddyMcD said...

nice & chilly this morn :-) did my HSPU on the 24" box w/2 red plates, got 8..... WOD: FB, 17:56, pretty stoked to make it thru those DU's, def still working on them, great job 9:30!!

Justin O said...

Went w/push ladder 15

FB WOD: 9:52

Glad I brought my own water as Mark was asking $35 a bottle!!!

Nikki O said...

HOT ONE! Car thermostat read 97 degress when I got there tonight!

Steve M, soooo glad you showed up so I didn't have to go at it alone! Awesome job...thanks for pushing me ... tried so hard to catch you on that 400m run!

Modified* FB: 12:33

*subbed 24" Box Jump for D/U

Thanks Mark, awesome time tonight!

kelli g. said...

I think I'm still sweating!

HSPU: 9 1 abmat+10lb plate. These felt great today!
WOD: 14:19 rx'd. Still slow on DU's with singles in between.

Also did 5-3-1 push press 105-115-125 that's a new 1RM.
and 9-7-5 185#deads and 24"box jump, didn't time it though.
Amazing work 6:30! Hannah, great to have you back in the mix! Maria way to push through the jump rope! Love killin it with my girls at 6:30!

Ky said...

Last night was quite momental for me: I climbed a rope for the first time in my life. This is a skill I've despised since childhood while my sister quickly scaled one. Minutes later I did 6 straight pull-ups without a damn band. This miracle should have come much earlier in my CF career, but I am gladly welcoming the accomplishment.

Tonight I (attempted) did 8 straight HSPU with the bands. My back started to hurt a bit, but proud of myself nonetheless.

PS- running in the heat is like a bad dream where you don't move at all.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Thanks, Theresa! Good job with your HSPUs! :)

JP said...

Great job everyone today on powering through the brutal heat!!! It was a scorcher!!!

I was pissed that I missed the rope climbs and OHSQs yesterday, so I wanted to make sure I made it in tonight for HSPU and the Sprints!!!

FB Skill (HSPU Ladder) - 7, I still have work to do on getting more with a kip.
FB WOD Rx'd - 8:48!!!!

Had to power through those walls of heat surrounding the box in EHT!!!

kelli g. said...

JP!! Amazing time! awesome job tonight!

Steve M said...

Great time JP, I knew you would smoke this one
I am not sure why but for some silly reason I had it in my head that 7 rounds was the max on the HSPU ladder so I paced myself for 7 rounds. Failed on that 7th round anyway.

WOD: 10:54 rx, almost a 2min improvement from last time.

Nikki, great work, I know you were trying to catch me which pushed me to run faster...thanks

JP said...

Thanks Kel and Steve!!! I'll be honest, two thoughts got me through that WOD... 1st, get this done quickly, cause its gonna be HOTT out there, and 2nd, gotta beat Justin, gotta beat Justin, gotta beat Justin...


Anonymous said...

HSPU ladder: 9

WOD: 11:11

Killer time, JP.

SheriWalsh said...

It was so hot 9:30. I can't imagine what the later classes were feeling!

Pushup ladder 11

Finished Adv. 12:37

Still working on the double-unders.

Nice Blog picture!!

Breeze said...

DId push up ladder-12

FB under 13, 12:57ish, Mark had some clock issues.

DU still work in progress.
Great job eveyone today in the heat today.