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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mike 'White Precipitation'...

Our schedule has changed for the week of Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

Member Appreciation WOD/Party!!
Saturday June 25, 2011
Williamstown @ 

WOD - "Murph"
Food/Drinks/Pool/Fun back at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

3 Rds
15 Deadlift 185/115
12 Burpees

3 Rds
12 OHSQ 135/95
12 Burpees
(Last completed 10/4/10)

10 Min
Pull Up Work - Dead Hangs/Kips
*Minimum of 20
10 Min
Rope Climbs
*Minimum of 4


Doug said...

See ya at 3:30 in EHT. Pretty pumped about the rope climbs.

PaddyMcD said...

packed house at 9:30, nice WOD too, ..........
WOD: FB, 85 Lbs, 8:09, only got 1 try on the ropes, but made it almost to the top-def next time!! Great job all, see yas in the am!!

SheriWalsh said...

FB. I am slowly improving my OHS. I am no where near the RX but upped my weight today. It's hard doing the WOD at the max weight. My problem is flexibility at the bottom but my awkwardness isnt as bad as last time. Lol.

Rope climbs= Awesome! Never did it before. Made it to the black tape the first time and made it all the way to the top the second. that was my first time ever doing them. Had fun!!

Patrick, you def got the cealing next time!!

Had great time 9:30 wtown. I always like learning from the veteran crossfitters!

Nikki O said...

Had fun with 4:30 crew in EHT today!

Modified ADV: 5:18

GHD raises w/ 15 lb plate instead of Deadlifts
Burpees (my 1st in months!!)

Felt awesome!

Doug said...

Made it to 4:30...awesome stuff!

Wod fb rx- 3:50

Cashout- Two rope climbs. Thanks Nick for the rope climb coaching. Had no idea!

Great job Steve on your first wod!

Incident said...

Altered FB (65): 7:31
Need to practice the dismount on the rope. Tough sliding down.
A giant thanks to Jeff and Mary for doing another work out w/ me afterwards-a little extra cash out-some runs, some double unders and a few abmat sit ups-Felt Great! And Mary-your double unders looked great!
3:30-great efforts by all today!

Breeze said...

Open Gym today with Kevin M
Did a dead lift/box jump wod, courtesy of Joey O, thanks Joe.

10 Deadlifts 275 unbroken
10- 32 in Box jumps
5 sets, 5 minute rest in between sets
Thanks Kevin for joining in and pushing me.
Great work 330 and 430 on those OHSQ!

Hey Matt, congrat on getting your muscle up last night!

Justin O said...

Nice work 4:30

FB Rx'd: 7:08, first time Rxing at 135lbs ohsq. happy with that.

Nice work today Doug. Word of advice, next time don't wear Vibrams for rope climbs!!!

Great job on your first WOD tdy Steve! Welcome to OTG!

Doug said...

J-forgot to mention way to hit that rx'd today! Awesome stuff considering where you were a few months ago with that movement. Can't wait to see what you'll be doing a few months from now! And, yeah vibrams and rope climbs aren't the best idea!

Also, if anyone wants to pick up a pair, the "sprints"(grey and navy) are on sale for $56 on shoemart.com. Love the deals!

kelli g. said...

WOD: 6:31 85lbs.

Actually managed to climb a few feet up the rope today!! Shocked myself!

Also did Front squats 5x115 5x125 5x135, and then just to see how it felt 3x155 which was my 1rm, but I guess it's not anymore...

Paul! Looks like a great WOD, I think I'll do it as a double tomorrow!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...
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Matt Mazzoni said...

Rx'd - 7:12
OHSQ were unbroken first set... 6 + 6 on the second set...4+5+3 on the third set. Burpees were full range of motion Jk!

Doug... Amazing time!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Nice work morning crew! Russ, nice job RX'ing today! :)

Good to be back and sweating with my buddies!

WOD: 7:53 75lbs
Nick, thanks for the push!

Loved the rope climbs! Fun stuff!

Steve M said...

6:29 rx

Mary B-hof said...

wod: fb...10 something..what a shit show. went with nick's advice and attempted to rx it...had a breakdown in round 2 and stripped it down to 75. ohsq are humbling bastards...

bambi and jeff-great 2nd wod today...felt really good and accomplished after it!

nice work 330! see you guys thursday!