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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Never criticize yourself for anything, its a reflection of not loving yourself..

"Standard Procedure- ADV"
40min Cap
5 Rds
9 Deadlift 185/115lbs
10 Burpees
400m Run
Rest 4 min

"Standard Procedure"
40min Cap
5 Rds
5 Deadlift 315/205lbs
10 Burpees
400m Run
Rest 4 min

Post time intervals and thoughts to comments.


Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD: 27:22 total time w/rest ... 11:22 w/o rest @ 275 lbs.

PaddyMcD said...

nice one today, great crowd this am in Wtown!
WOD: FB, 225, 16:08, great job all........

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed this one....love the long wods! But I did get in a deadlift workout this morning so I didn't miss out too much..lol. Worked on form and speed from the bottom (so need that!) Warmup sets of 5 135-155-165 then 3 sets of 10 at 185 unbroken. Hope you all stayed hydrated it was nasty out there today. See you on Friday!!!

Justin O said...

Great job 4:30 class EHT! You guys looked strong!

kelli g. said...

UGH...liked this one but sooo yucky hot..

FB RX'd: 30:20 total with rest.
Intervals: 2:39, 2:49, 2:58,3:04, 2:50

Great job everybody, so many DL monsters at 4:30!! Great to work out with you again Kristi!

priya said...

FB WOD (145 lb deads): 30:20 total
Forget what the actual intervals were, but Kelli and I were pretty much going at the same pace (thanks for the push Kelli; talk about DL monster!)
Felt like somebody was doing internal cardiac massage on me during the urn, but afterwards, I felt great!
Mary B. I still love you!

mike said...

fb rx'd- 32:00-2:32-2:52-313

fb-rx"d 32:00- 2:32-2:52-3:13-3:17 3:42. thanks mark and everyone who motivated me. i hope i can tie my shoes 2mor

Unknown said...

Packed house at 4:30.

Fb Rx'd: 26.40 with rest.

1:51; 2:08; 2:13; 2:18; 2:09

Breeze said...

Great WOD today, excellent effort by everyone on those heavy deads

FB Rx'd 27:39 w rest,

Mark nice job today running this big group!

Great work 4:30 and 5:30

Mike way to fight it out on those deadlifts

Steve M said...

fun wod today 28:45 RX'd, as painful as it was that was a pretty fun wod.

JP said...
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JP said...

It only could have been better if Mark had turned the heat up another 10 degrees... it wasn't HOTT enough!!!
Haha... LOL!!!

Way to slay the monster EHT 6:30p crew!!!

FB WOD Rx'd - 27:17 w/ 4min rests added in
2:04, 2:09, 2:18, 2:21, 2:19

Matt Mazzoni said...

FB - 275 Deads
combined time of 10:34

Mary B-hof said...

FB: did 135lb back squats instead of deads.
32:50 w rests.
3:03, 3:19, 3:28, 3:42, 3:22
Great work today 430! way to tackle this one. Paul thanks for doing that last 400 w/me...it was a cool down for you, and you were still beating me! Priya-aren't you glad we didn't do open gym :)

one day i'll make running my bitch. today, obviously not the day.

pcleary said...

FB (275lbs)
Finished 27:12.