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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Competition is only a test of your ability at any given time, not a measure of self-worth...

Our schedule has changed this week for Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

New OTG Event!!
Member Appreciation WOD/Party
Saturday June 25th
Williamstown @ 8:30 AM
Post-WOD Party at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Push Press
Build to a Heavy Single
(Last completed 3/3/11)

Build to a Heavy Single
(Last completed 4/5/11)


"The Chase-ADV"
40 KB Swings 1/.75pd
25 Hollow Rocks
10 De-Load Push Ups
30 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rocks
20 De-Load Push Ups
20 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rocks
30 De-Load Push Ups

"The Chase"
30 KB Swings 1.5/1pd
25 Hollow Rocks
10 Ring Push Ups
20 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rocks
20 Ring Push Ups
10 KB Swings
25 Hollow Rocks
30 Ring Push Ups

(Last completed 12/30/10)

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.


Buzz said...

135, 155, 165(PR)
9:44 Rx'd

Nikki O said...

Wow...what a slow blog day! I am excited about Regionals but I do look forward to things getting back to normal...

A new term for my workout... a Hybrid WOD! (thanks Nick) :)

40 Split Squats (ouch!)
25 Hollow Rocks
10 24" Lateral BJ
30 SS
25 HR
20 BJ
20 SS
25 HR
30 BJ (brutal!)

After last nights Back Squat / Run my legs are FRIED!

Split Squats are are painfully awesome!

Thanks Michelle for the suggestions and Nick too for tossing in the Laterals! The legs may feel fried but I LOVE IT! :)

I won't see all of the awesome atheletes going to Regionals before they leave so wishing all of you an amazing time. Have fun and CRUSH IT! So proud of all of you... Justin, Doug, Paul, Steve, Jax, Bambi, Kelly and Michelle! Mark, Nick, Joey, Jen, Lali, Kelleigh and Theresa! I can't wait to celebrate at the OTG bbq!

Nikki O said...

OMG! How could I forget to send BIG CONGRATS to KRISTI!?!?!

Kristi: You rock! Do Awesome!


mike said...

fb rx'd- 6:27 1st 2 rds unbroken. need to keep arms back on hollow rocks. my balance is screwed up. lift- 145 155 165 175 should of kept going up. good work everyone.

Breeze said...

Fun times at 330!
No Lift
FB RX'd 7:23

Thanks Nikki!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Nice job this morning Buzz, Faye & Germaine!

We've got a new Firebreather in the making...Welcome, Morgan! Great job!

Nikki, thanks and anytime! Glad to help!

Loved the WOD...5:48 RX'd

Steve M said...

skipped the lift today

WOD: I was gonna post 6:47 but I know Mike and I called time within a split second of each other so I like his time better...

are you sure about that time Mike?

Amanda said...

Lift: 155 (10 lb pr) with room according to Mark.

Wod: fb 8:04 with scaled ring push ups, basically just walked the rings up some.

Good luck to all of the competitors this weekend. Wish I could come watch, but I'm on my last few days of school and can't take off! Kill it and represent the best CF gym in South Jersey!!!

Mary B-hof said...

lift: 145 (15lb pr)...think i can get a little higher if i can get my form up to par. thanks nick!
wod: fb 8:17...scaled ring push ups...1 min quicker than last time.
fun times 330...bambi, paul..thanks for the jerk encouragement (that statement alone made me chuckle) and all the laughs! great job.
E-thanks for your help and patience on the split jerk. much appreciated. and tony thanks for pointers!

JP said...

i'll have to check the wall again tomorrow, but I think my time was 6:43 rx'd FB, though I could be wrong...
I def remember my lift though - 155-175-190-205(PR!)

See ya's tomorrow!

JP said...

Correction... I think my WOD time was 7:14.

SERT 11 said...

lift: 205
WOD: 4:36 (thanks for the push Kevin)

PaddyMcD said...

Lift: 95-115-125-135
WOD: FB 14:19