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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where's your tag?

Our schedule has changed this week for Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/20 Monday - No Morning Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

New OTG Event!!
Member Appreciation WOD/Party
Saturday June 25th
Williamstown @ 8:30 AM
Post-WOD Party at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

10 Min
Find 1 RM
(Last completed 11/29/10 or 2's on 5/17/11)

"Gladiator - ADV"
4 Thrusters 85/55
12 Sit Ups
60 Singles

Squat Clean
10 Min
Find 1 RM
(Last completed 10/6/10)

3 Thrusters 115/75 - Unbroken
6 T2B - Unbroken
20 Double Unders - Unbroken
(Last completed 10/6/10)

Post loads, rounds and thoughts to comments.


Anonymous said...

FB Lift: stayed with 95lbs to work on technique and worked on high hang pc.
WOD: rx'd 6rds +3

Best of Luck to all of you competing!! I know you all will do GREAT and kick ass:) Have fun!!

Buzz said...

Sq Clean 155# PR by 5
FB 3rds plus 3 thrusters, 6 T2B, 11 DU
Not quite Rx'd...did (at least) 10 in a row, twice. Best unbroken was 16.

Good Luck to all heading to Boston!!

Nipur said...

Lift 190 (PR)

FB WOD as Rx'd
5 rounds even.

Wishing you all the best at the Regionals. But remember its called the Crossfit "GAMES" so make sure you guys/gals have fun while you are up there.

Stepheey said...

Great job at 9:30 this morning. Haven't been able to get in lately so it was nice getting back!

Hit a pr with squat clean today ..120 i really need to work on technique and getting under the bar.. still a mental game with me..

WOD 4 rounds + 3 + 6 Mark allowed me to modify the double unders. It's been months since I did them so I went for 10 unbroken each time.

Good luck to all of our competitors the next few days. You will all do great!!!! We will be following the scores at home! See everyone soon

PaddyMcD said...

Lift: 95-135-155-max
WOD: FB rx'd managed 3 rds, + 3 thrusters, got all unbroken rd 1, had to split up those pesky DU's last 2 rds.

Best of Luck to our competitors and travelers this weekend, do your best, enjoy the experience, and show them how we do it at OTG, cheers!!

mike said...

i thought 6:27 was our time. look at wall if u r there 2day. i was a little delirious at the time. nick wrote it down

JP said...

Sorry 6:30pm EHT class... I didn't mean to blew up the box... hahaha, LOL!!! Thanks Mark for turning on the fans!

Lift - 185(PR), 195(PR, but I'll admit it was only parallel)
FB WOD Rx'd - 7rds + 3 thrusters


Mary B-hof said...

lift: 135 (15lb PR). failed 2x at 145...determined to get it!
wod: fb 3 rds +3+6. first round was unbroken...the others, not so much.
thanks kelli for hanging with me after as i worked on the lift some more.
kevin-are you still stretching or did you wrap that up?

Safe travels to everyone going to boston! good luck! i know you'll do us proud!!!