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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reflect upon what moves you..nothing more..nothing less..

 Shane C
Doug S
Faye J
 Tim F
 Nikki O
 Mike P
 Russ B
Casey P

7 Rds
7 Front Squat 95/65lbs
7 Pull Ups 
7 Box Jumps 20"
7 KB Swings 1.5/1pd

7 Rds
4 Squat Cleans 135/95
5 Pull Ups C2B
6 Box Jumps 24"
7 KB Swings 2/1.5 pd
(Last completed 1/2/10)

Coach's Call...

Post time and thoughts to comments.


SheriWalsh said...

So THIS is the day I chose my first ever WOD let alone fire breather???? Haha. Everyone did great 9:30am Williamstown. I felt puny with my little weights and big band! 12:46.. 35lb squat clean, green band pull-up, 25lb Kb, and tire for my box jumps. The cash out finished me off.. See yas tomorrow!


PaddyMcD said...

you did awesome Sheri! Great crowd this am, way to keep it movin' Joe, tho that $out was just mean!

WOD: FB, 115, single band, 1.5pood, - at least the box was rx'd :-) 17:44
off w/the boys to Sesame Place tomorrow, see yas Monday, great weekend all..........

Breeze said...

Went in today not sure what I wanted to do, open gym rest day.
So planed on trying FB and doing 3 rds just to work on movements.
Unbroken, definitely a mental game, definitely helped knowing you could not drop the bar so it helped to work on the touch and go movement.
Only did 5 rds, hands still healing and started ripping so did not want to push it.
Great job Steve , Kyle, Tom, and steph
Great warm up and coaching nick!

Higher Order Living said...

Great crew this morning in EHT - as always!!

Sheri - Congrats on your 1st WOD!! What a way to start! Welcome to the family!

Patrick - Nice work! Have fun!!

jen carr said...

FB: 12:39 rx'd

Nipur said...

Did with 115 lbs and 1.5pd x 9

Justin O said...

Clowns to left of me jokers to the right...Great doing this WOD with Kevin and Nick!

FB rx'd: 11:46

Failed on the last rep of the last round of my squat cleans, that sucked!

Great job 4:30, thanks for the push!

Welcome Sheri, great job!!!

kelli g. said...

WOD: 15:40 subbed some nasty ring rows for pullups' cause my hands are still hamburger meat. RX'd everthing else, including the box jumps!!

Great job 3:30 and 4:30!

Mary great job on your lift today!

Welcome Sheri! Always cool to see another nurse crossfitting!

Anonymous said...

FB rx'd: 15 flat

Being sandwiched between Justin and Nick was a humbling, but motivating experience. And sorry for the inappropriate language -- I honestly don't know where that came from .... each and every round.

Mary B-hof said...

did yesterday's lift and wod in open gym today:

push press 1rm: 125 (PR). thanks nick for all the pointers and coaching. really helped a lot there.
wod: rx'd 10:44...waaay longer than my goal of 9 min. not sure what happened there. jerks felt strong, when i was able to a real one...sometimes i was doing a push press jerk hybrid thing and that took a lot more energy. need to get under that bar. thanks kelli for timing and helping!

great job with this wod today 330 and 430...you guys did awesome. kevin love the cursing. and justin..i now have that song in my head!

MILA said...

WOD; 12:55, sugarCoat needs to pick up some speed Lol

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD (FB): 12:41 Broken ... w/ Chin Over Pull-Ups & 1.5 pood

Doug said...

single arm kb's with 1.5 pooder