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Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's time to change, reach for something more...



Stepheey said...

Did the final games WOD yesterday. First time ever doing chest to bar this past week. I was hoping to get to 9 reps.. Ended up getting 53 reps so Im really happy with that. Did the thrusters unbroken just need to practice connecting pull ups now! Thank Jackie for being my judge and pushing me : )

Kind of sad this is over. I would like to thank Nick for encouraging me to sign up. The past few weeks I really stepped out of my comfort zone and went for weights and movements that Im normally not comfortable with, and made some PR's along the way. It was a great experience. Congrats to all the participated.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Way to go Steph!

Congrats to everyone for pushing so hard, supporting each other and finishing strong!

We've got some amazing athletes in our boxes! Can't wait to see what they do at the Regionals!

Mary B-hof said...

awesome job Steph!!

Stepheey said...

Thanks ladies.. definitely meant to say get to the round with 9 c2b not nine reps HANDS HURT AHHH!!!

lol see u this week

Tony M. said...

Got back home late yesterday after 7 days in Carribean, and Nick was nice enough to meet me in Wtown so I could get 11.6 in today. Was a little anxious as I probably did more partying than training over the last week! I don't think tequila and Cuban cigars is the most effective way to get ready for this wod! Ended up getting through the round of 12's. C2B is not my strong suit, but getting through 12 was my goal so not too disappointed. Really glad I participated in this thing, it was nice to push through some tough wods, and to watch everyone else do the same.

Higher Order Living said...

I'm happy you followed through with it too Steph!!

Great work today Tony!! Thanks again for judging!!

So proud of our efforts at both boxes! Next year, I would like to see 100% participation regardless of your fitness level. I think the people that competed have grown far faster both competitively and psychologically than those that did not. Remember: There is no 'right' time to compete. You'll grow in ways you never thought possible and won't regret one second of it!!

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who competed, judged, and supported each other throughout this process.

Make plans now to come out and experience the Crossfit Games Regionals and to support our 2 teams!!!

Breeze said...

Congratulations to both OTG and Off the Grid for making it to Regionals.
It was a great experience to be a part of. We all pushed ourselves beyond what we thoughtnwe could both physically and mentally.