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Monday, May 2, 2011

Inhale Happiness. Exhale Relief.

CONGRATULATIONS to both boxes, Off The Grid and OTG, for qualifying for the NorthEast Regionals!!

Save the Date!!
Saturday May 21st 10:30 AM - ?
Any athletes that want to come and participate in a mini-throwdown with CrossFit 908 at our Williamstown Box email Nick.
More details to follow.

Find your Max Pull Ups today and then retest at the end of the month.

"D.T. - ADV"
7 Rds
10 Deadlifts 95/65lbs
10 KB Swings 1.5/1pd
10 Push Press 95/65lbs

5 Rds
12 Deadlifts 155/105lbs
9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105lbs
6 Push Jerk 155/105lbs
(Last completed 11/11/09)

Coach's Call...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations OTG and Off the grid!!! So freakin awesome!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Great start to the week! Congrats Team OTG and Off the Grid! And, congrats to our athletes who made it through to compete individually!

Lookout Regionals!

brett said...

Its a great day to be an American!

JP said...

x4 to everything already said here.

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD (FB): 13:46 w/ 135 lbs.
Max Pull-Ups: 30

PaddyMcD said...

Congrats Everyone, way to represent !!!

max pullups - 7, No band!
nice 9:30 today, did FB WOD, 115 lbs; 12:58
hav a great day all !!

pcleary said...

Congrats everyone!

Back is feeling a little better, I should make an appearance at some point this week. I hope you're lucky enough to see me! ;)

SERT 11 said...

FB rx'd: 14:05 (155 felt heavy by round 3!)
cash out 800 m run, not timed.


priya said...

So proud of everyone. Great, great effort from the whole community on these sectional WODs.

Today's WOD was a killer for me.

FB: 85 pounds 15 minutes+

Hannah said...

So proud of everyone! All the hard work has paid off! Go Crossfit OTG Williamstown and EHT!!! You Rock! :)

Can't wait to get back to a normal schedule and normal anxiety level now! :P

rochs said...

WOD 135lb, 18:04. Killer warmup, max pullups 7, 1 min. after completing WOD. Good times with a larger than normal nooner crew

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Nice job lunch crew! Way to kill it Kristi & Frank!

WOD: 80lbs, 14:13
Warm up was fun. Thanks, Justin :)

Had to get back to work. Will revisit max pull ups and the other 400m of the 800m run cashout tomorrow.

K-Swat said...

Holy heavy... I was just gonna strap two handles on Michelle and lift her today. haha

Rx'd: 16:11 I think, 16 something

Max pull ups were not happening today.

Congrats to both gyms for kicking a$$ in sectionals.

Hannah, hope you had fun this weekend and kicked butt:)

Frank McGuigan said...

congrats to both gyms!

good job 12 o'clockers! twas' a tough one today! 155 was very heavy especially on the cleans..

PB and JACKED said...

Figured Ill start posting my open gym stuff as I know you all are starting to miss me so much... but really it's easier to put it here than anywhere else.

Back squat
Squats didn't feel quite right so didn't do 3 last set.

12 min AMRAP
1 squat snatch 135
2 de-load pushups
1 squat snatch
2 32" box jumps

Pushups and box jumps ascend by 2 per round, so round 2 had 4 each pushups and box jumps, then 6 each, 8 each and so on.

Got through the 12 round so 96 reps. Goal for next time is not to be bruised and bleeding after wards from the box.

Doug said...

Fb Rx 14:34
Driveway wod
Great time E!
Cool wod Tony

lummox5o said...

Proud to be with all of you and for the teams doing so well; Go OTG.

I drug my butt out of bed for a good 0630 wake up from yesterday's main site:

Five rounds for time of:
15 Ring rows
155 pound Bench press, 15 reps
225 pound Back squat, 15 reps

19:40 and feeling it in my legs tonight.

Also good work from John K. this morning, way to stay tough troop.

kelli g. said...

So proud of everyone!! Congratulations to all!

WOD: 95# 19:49. Briefly considered Rx'ing this...so glad I didn't.

Max pullups 6. Can't wait to see that number go up.

Skipped cash out had to get ready for work!
If get a chance check out Hannah, Mary,Jeff or my Facebook pages, for some hilarious shots from metro dash this weekend! We were actually the fastest co-ed team of the morning!

Steve M said...

WOD: 11:33 @145lb, next time I will RX this one

congrats to all the teams and competitors for awesome performances on the the sectional wods

Mary B-hof said...

Congrats everyone!! You all did a fantastic job over the last 6 weeks and continue to inspire me everyday at the gym!

wod: fb 16:41 85lbs. those hang power cleans were going to be the death of me!
max pull ups: 5 (no band)...was a little bummed here...last time i did pull ups i was able to get 8 or 9. guess the last week of eating like crap and being lazier than usual during spring break caught up with me today. actually felt good to be back to paleo today.

Matt Mazzoni said...

Wod - Rx'd @ 14:36 or maybe it was 14:33 Doug!

Hero Wod was fitting today. I hope Murph is around the corner.

JP said...

What a Hero of a WOD today...

Justin, way to get the BEAST out of all of us tonight at 6:30p. Great job to Bob, JV, Casey, Dan and Tim!

Warming up with 3rds of sprints outside was a stellar start!
Max pull-ups BEFORE the WOD were EPIC!
D.T. was straight up BRUTAL... fought for every rep and round.
...and the 800M Ca$h out was nice closer.

JP said...

Totally forgot to post my #s...

Max pullups - 40
WOD (@135) - 13:03