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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Find comfort in the little things...

Front Squat w/ Banded weight

"Topsy Turvy - ADV"
Push Ups De-Load 
Pull Ups

"Topsy Turvy"
HSPU 45/35lb plate to abmat
Pull Ups C2B

Push Ups De-Load - Body should be rigid from plank to ground back to plank. Hands come off of the ground when the chest touches and then re-set them to press.  In the bottom of the position, only your chest and feet should be in contact with the ground.

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.


Anonymous said...

WOD: FB, 1 10lb plate and 1 abmat 11:36. HSPU I normally dread but today I felt really good with them...definitely improved with those. After the wod me, Lali, Aurea, and Patty went for a 2.8 mile run. Great job girls!!Patty, you did great:)
Fun times afterwards, but I won't go there! Thanks for sharing Kelleigh:)

LLLLLeah said...

For the record. I'm looking for a life partner. Someone that gives me butterflies and treats me like an angel. I want to take long walks on the beach at sunset and cherish each moment I spend with the love of my life. I know he's out there. I really am such a romantic at heart !

Justin O said...

Sometimes I wonder if I have logged onto the wrong Blog!

Lift: 115 W/26KB's green bands. Banded weight was defintely awkward.

WOD: FB rxd 8:33 C2B were unbroken, wish I could say the same for the HSPU.

Great time Kevin, the was really fast bro!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Nick, thanks for getting me going on the lift. Great warm up!

Glad I did this one. Was feeling a bit indecisive.

Lift: 105 (65lb bar w 2 10's thru blue bands on each side).

WOD: FB 11:26 Used 45lb plate/abmat set up + abmat

Great job today everybody! :)

K-Swat said...


Rx'd kind of: 15:17 I know not all my HSPU's were legit but they are getting there.

jen carr said...

worse work out ever...

lift: 115 125 145...banded weight was horrible

wod: rx'd 14:40

tim friel said...

Great work out...the banded weight squats were a little awkward. did my advance rxd wod @ 5:42, enjoyed the group warm up also.

SERT 11 said...

lift: 135 w/15's; 135 w/26's & 155 w/26's
WOD: 11:33 shoulders were tight

kelli g. said...

Lift: 85w/10's 85w/15's 85w/26's
WOD: 17:20 ugh. HSPU with green and blue bands. Pullups are sooo slow. Hand ripped on very last one.

JP said...

Really digging the instructor-lead warmups!

FB WOD (35s w/abmat) 11:50
Lift/skill: 85/10, 95/10, 115/20

Steve M said...

Lift: 95/35lb kb; 115/35lb kb; 135/35lb kb
WOD: 14:37 with 2 abmats, HSPU still a work in progress but C2B felt pretty good tonight

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD (Adv): 7:32 @ Rx'd

Doug said...

10:57 fb rx