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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus on astonishment and be inspired...

Pistol Rolls
5 sets of 5 for Each Leg

"2010 Sectional WOD #1 - ADV"
15 min Time Limit
Row 1K
40 Burpees
Row 1K

"2010 Sectional WOD #1"
15 min Time Limit
Row 1K
30 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"
Row 1K
(Last completed 3/29/10)

Burpee Box Jumps - Complete a burpee and then a box jump.  Feet must be completely on the box at some point during the box jump.

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Busy weekend ahead! Check out the Challenge in the EHT box or join us for a 5 or 10k run on the AC boards!

Our team page for the run is:

Plenty of time to make both events! Do a double and get your sweat on for two great causes!

Incident said...

Looking forward to seeing everyone out for the big event(s) weekend! Will be a blast! Thanks for the link Slick!

Nice to be back at OTG this morning! Great to see the usual 9:30/Wed crew (Mark, Kyle, Jeff, Joe, Elaine, Faye). Way to crush the row boys!
13:00 for me....I should have been able to get through those burps faster but couldn't catch my breath! Was that the idea?! haha

Do great PM classes!

PaddyMcD said...

Good Luck this weekend Michelle!!

great 9:30 this am, WOD: FB, 13:29, just happy to get in under the 15 min cap, great job all !!

Justin O said...

Good times tonight in EHT, great job 4:30!

FB rx'd: 10:20

K-Swat said...

12:30, still got some plasma in the lungs.

SERT 11 said...

1st time doing this, that 2nd row was a kick in the mid section.
FB: 11:19
can't wait to see what's next????

priya said...

FB 13:44
March 29, 2010: 17:01

That was...hard. My heart hurt.

Breeze said...

FB 11:10,
12 seconds slower than last time, I'; blame it on the jet lag! LOL

Great push 4:30 and 5:30!

Matt Mazzoni said...

Rx'd - 10:10
W'town had some new faces pop in for the wod!

Steve M said...

RX'd - 11:21

burpees and row have come a long way in the past year. pr'd by over 2 mins from last year

Kevin M said...

Killer improvement steve and priya. And I expect nothing less from matt and Justin.


pcleary said...

RX'd - 10:42

Should have went harder on the burpee box jumps

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Did advanced with a twist.

I did the 1K row then did 30 of the 40 burpees, then I did the 1K row. Did this because I wanted to get in the two rows. Had some time left before the 15 min cut off so I was able to get 5 more burpees in.