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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo...

"2010 Sectional WOD#2 - ADV"
15 Min time limit
14 Front Squats 95/65lbs
120 Singles
12 Front Squats
140 Singles
10Front Squats
160 Singles
8 Front Squats
180 Singles
6Front Squats
200 Singles

"2010 Sectional WOD#2"
15 Min time limit
10 Front Squats 155/95lbs
20 Double Unders
8 Front Squats
30 Double Unders
6 Front Squats
40 Double Unders
4 Front Squats
50 Double Unders
2 Front Squats
60 Double Unders
(Last completed 3/31/10)

Coach's Call...

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Anonymous said...

WOD: Rx'd 9:00. Did the d.u unbroken until I hit 50..then I couldn't stop tripping over the rope! Great Job Everyone!!! And great coaching Stacey:)

PaddyMcD said...

Nice Coaching Stacey !!
WOD, did ADV, since i'd never get those DU's....
ADV, RX'd 14:39, great job 9:30, see yas t'morrow!

Doug said...

Many days behind. Did the c2b hspu wod today in 10:57. Shooting for tomorrow and sat. morning eht style.

Nipur said...


Great warmup Justin almost felt like a workout in itself.

Jax said...

I like revisiting these WODs. Gives me an idea of how much I've improved in the past year.

Did yesterday's FB in 12:44. 2 second PR from last year.

Today I did FB Rx'd in 8:56. Last year it took me 14 something with 85 lbs. Really happy with that improvement!!

Nice job 3:30 and 4:30! See everyone tomorrow! :)

kelli g. said...

WOD: FB RX"D 12:39

absolutely shocked that I did this under 15. Considering I still do singles between my doubles I am pretty happy with this!

Great job 5:30! Kristi super job! It was cool working out with you Nick!

Mary B-hof said...

wod fb rx'd 14:26 happy to be in under 15 since du's are a weakness but a little annoyed because i could have done this a good 2-3 minutes quicker....i usually have a time set in my head that i want to do it in but this time i told myself i just wanted to finish it in 15. low expectations and took way too much time resting. will revist this one in open gym soon.

nice job 330 and 430 classes!!

Justin O said...

WOD FB: Rx'd: 7:46. du's felt really good. FSQTs were unbroken but felt kind of slow.

Great coaching Justin. The cash out was hard, burpees after handstands...not so easy!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Justin, great warm up and ca$h out :)

Nick, fun to have you do the workout with us!

WOD: FB Rx'd 9:43
Ca$h out: 4 min of HS holds; 7 burpees every time you come off the wall. Came off the wall 3x. Wrists were screamin'! Fun though!

JP said...

WOD - FB Rx'd 7:08

Felt solid, but slow in the FRSQ's, and fast through the DU's... Unbroken through 40. But busted 50 up into 2x25, and then 60 into 20, 10, 20, 10...

Justin, yet again, you were the Devil on my shoulder pushing me to go Rx'd on FRSQs when I was doubting myself and wanted to only do 135. Oh, and THEN you had to go and bring in Nick for backup!!! Yes, Nick, I was planning to "Cheese" it up. I'm pretty glad I didn't though...

Also, just as some FYI, I'm still following Paleo, and still posting often on www.BeTheGoat.com. This past week I tossed up a tab called 'The Recipes'. Check it out!

Breeze said...

WOD FB RX'D 17:04 still need a ton of work on DU.
DId FtSqt unbroken, wish I could say the same for the DU! LOL
Last year 19:48

Great work 9:30

K-Swat said...

Rx'd fb 5:47 thanks nick for the face-off. Great push. Last time was 8:55.

SERT 11 said...

rx'd FB, somewhere around 8:19, DU's are getting better but still still pleanty of work.
Cash out was fun

Higher Order Living said...

Great fun working out with you all in EHT!!

Dan - your pink tutu is on back order