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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chin music...have you heard it?

Are you interested in supporting our Off The Grid/OTG Teams competing in the NorthEast Regionals!??! Michelle is handling accommodations.  Email her with your intentions.  More information and details about the competition can be found here.  You can come out and watch in person or watch it online.  You must purchase tickets for either option.  Hope to see you all there!!  We'll be announcing the teams tomorrow!

Matt M
 Jimmy B
Betsey F
Jeff B
Steve P
Michelle B
 Priya W
 Mike P
Tim F

10 mins
Build to a heavy 2

"Dead Dips - ADV"
7 Rds
7 Deadlift 185/115lbs
12 Box Dips

10 mins
Power Cleans
Build to a heavy 2

"SDHP/Ring Dips"
7 Rds
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65lbs
10 Ring Dips
(Last completed 12/8/10)

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.


Justin O said...

I've heard chin music all to often. It doesn't sound good!`1

Joe O said...

Caught Brett at breakfast on saturday


LLLLLeah said...

My snatch threw my back out 2 weeks ago and it hasn't been the same since. That is the reason why I am not producing really great numbers

Doug said...

school wod


Doug said...


MILA said...

Intro WOD 4:55

Justin O said...

FB rx'd: 4:41

Fun group at 5:30, great job everyone & Great coaching E!

Welcome back Dean, I already want to strangle you!

Nipur said...

Lift worked up to 185x2

WOD 10:11

Thanks Jackie and Mary for the run afterwards.

Nikki O said...

Welcome Mila.

Back Sqt Lift for me:

Custom lower half WOD:
10 jumping squats holding 20lb ball
10 GHD Raises

7 rounds: 7:13

Purple Power Tonight!
Pryia says RED tomorrow! :)

Kristi: do you check the blog while on vaca? We miss you!

Jax said...

Lift: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125x1
Very excited. 125 is a 10 lb. PR for a new 1RM! Almost got the second one, but I pulled a little early. Nick - def think 135 is in the near future!! Can't wait to do a bodyweight clean!

WOD: 10:12 w/ single band for dips. This wod kills me everytime.

Great job 4:30! Nipur, you def kept me moving!

Rest day tomorrow! See everyone Thursday!

Breeze said...

Lift Max 2 rep 185

WOD FB RX'd 7:38, shoulder slowed my ring dips.

Great job 330, Nick enjoyed the group warm up and stretching.

Nipur, nice to see you back

kelli g. said...

Lift: 95 115 125 125 ran out of time but I think I could have hit 130.
Mary congrats on 145!!
Wod: 10;34 with single

Can def do red tomorrow ladies...

PB and JACKED said...

Kevin that beer is in the freezer and on the fast track to my stomach, had to lock Hannah in the bedroom so she doesn't drink it all!

Here's a little advice, don't wash your clothes with fish oil pills in the pockets. You'll be wondering why all your shit smells like rotten tuna.

Mary B-hof said...

lift: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145 (1)
145 is a new PR for me and i'm pretty stoked about it. cleans are one of the few things not on my goat list. nick, thanks for making for try for 145 instead of 140.
wod: fb 10:18 w red band
did a few laps with bambi and jeff and jackie and nipur after.

Great job today 330 and 430! nick,always fun on tuesdays!

Mary B-hof said...

oh and nikki-good job on your "frogger" workout lol.

i won't be in tomorrow...thanks goodness because i don't have red!

Kevin M said...

Packed house for 530 and 630. Way to run a smooth show E and Michelle. Welcome back Dean. And welcome Brian from Bethesda. Killer effort.

Lift: 155
WOD: 4.45

Steve M said...

lift 135-155-185-205(f)-195(1)
great lifts today Dean, looked strong like I remember

WOD: 8:51rx, still trying to make ring dips happen

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

What a great day in EHT! Faye, Germaine & Tina rocked it in the morning!

Welcome to Mila and Steve! Nice job on your intros!

DEAN and PJ!!! So excited to see you guys! Nipur, glad you're back!

Hit the 5:30 with an awesome crew!
Lift: 85-95-100-105-110
WOD: RX'd 9:22 Those rings dips are a be-otch! Happy with the unbroken SDHPs!
Kev, Justin and Steve, loved being in your corner! Thanks for the push!

6:30 crew was awesome! Way to push everyone! E, fun coaching with you!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

JP said...


E and Michelle, way to control the chaos!!!

Felt strong for the lift, but like I was beatin myself against a wall thru the ring dips! Goat, anyone?

LIFT - 135/155/165/185/205
FB WOD - 8:37, i think i really gotta work on stringing the dips together.

MILA said...

Thanks guys, great to be part of such a fun place. Nick- great job on coaching me today..

priya said...



ADVANCE WOD: (110LB, 20" BOX" mostly with my knees bent)