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Monday, May 16, 2011

Rainbows always follow a hurricane...

We will be adding a 3:30pm session on Wednesday's starting this week 5/18/11.

"Mary - ADV"
20 Min/AMRAP
10 Push Ups - DeLoad
10 Squats
10 Pull Ups

20 Min/AMRAP
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
15 Pull Ups

Coach's Call...

Post rounds and thoughts to comments.


Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD (ADV): 13 rds + 5 @ Rx'd

Incident said...

I used a single band for the pistols & 1 abmat/10Ib plate for the HSPU's.....FB: 8 Rounds
(hand ripped-ouch!)
Good work today 9:30! Thanks Justin!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Awesome job lunch crew...way to crush it guys! Fun WOD! Thanks, Justin!

FB: 10rds + 5 + 10 + 13
Rx'd Pistols & Pull Ups, 1 abmat/10lb plate for HSPU. Wishin' I'd ditched the plate today as these felt like the "rest!" LOL

PaddyMcD said...

WOD: ADV, RX'd, 8 rounds even, great job 9:30!

Doug said...

Awesome session this afternoon. Great effort as always on a brutal wod. Thanks for the warmup Justin.
Fb Rx 12 rounds plus 5+10+9.

priya said...

Advanced WOD: 6 +10+10+1

Anonymous said...

FB w/red band for pistols: 12 + 5

Small crew at 5:30. Steve - hspus were money; Kelli - pull ups look solid; Paul - way to fight.

Justin O said...

FB 12rds + 5+4

Started pistols holding 15lb plate but switched to Rx'd after rd 3. Plate didn't really help with the pistols (I was using it for my left leg which is not nearly as good as my right. Holding the weight was only fatiging my shoulders more.

I think I quadrupled the amount of pistols I've done in my lifetime!

kelli g. said...

FB:5+5+10+6 purple band for pistols, 10lb plate and abmat for HSPU

Pullups were the limiting factor on this wod..as usual. Both hands are beat up.
Cashout: fast 400m or was it 800? it was twice around the building..

Great work 5:30! Kevin, Steve and Paul amazing work all around. Kev-your pull ups look effortless, totally jealous!

Stayed for 6:30 did wendler press cycle 2 week 1 55x5, 65x5, 75x5. Then backsqauted 135x10.

Steve M said...

what a horrible wod

8 rounds +3 with red band for pistols

great job 530 crew

JP said...

Awesome WOD, but those damn pistols will get ya!
Justin, as always, your coaching thru the warm-up was a great start!

Hit this FB, but had to rock it with the red band for the pistols to be consecutive... got work to do.

FB WOD - 10rds + 5HPSUs
Ca$h out - 800m, wish I timed it... felt like I was coasting!