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Monday, June 11, 2012

Youth Without Youth..

"Asphyxiate - ADV"
400m Run
21 Thrusters 115/75
300 Singles
21 Thrusters
400m Run
400m Run
15 Thrusters 155/105
100 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
400m Run
Post time and thoughts to comments.

Supplemental Training:
Focus/Goals Work and/or Abmat Challenge Sit Ups Day 11


Bambi said...

Let's get this blog started
Loved this work out (even though I modified) but it's great to run outside and sweat!

400m run
21 ring dips, 50 back extensions, 21 ring dips
400m run

Enjoy the day everyone!

Stepheey said...

Adv: 14:00 @ 65Ibs
Good times!

Stepheey said...

For Kelly Day (while she opens a gmail account)
Adv: 13:06 @ 45Ibs

Tony M. said...

Great WOD after returning to the human race from this weekend!! Did FB at 135 12:27 happy with time!!

Specora99 said...

13:34. 135lbs. Struggled badly. Thank god for Bambi yelling at me!!!

Boeingch47 said...

Finally! Some posts, FB 12:11@135LBS

Doug said...

that was a fun wod.
did it at school and my 400 split was about 20 seconds over the norm so I'm thinking its a bit long. Anyway, hell of a workout!!

Rx'd- 10:08

SheriWalsh said...

Fb 85# 10:13

Justin O said...

FB rx;d 13:47
Tough WOD, turned out to be 30 sqt clean thrusters for me

Mary B-hof said...

FB rx'd 16:07. Runs got me. Great wod to kick off the week.

Steve M said...

10:29. Subbed frsq 205lb for the thruster.

Breeze said...

Great to have the old blog back!

Tough WOD DID 155 for the first 15 Thrusters, then dropped to 135 for the second 15, Like J they were all single squat Clean Thrusters.
It was still the DU that really slowed me down,

18 +
Thanks for the push mark and 530 crew.
Great efforts everyone today