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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Common ground...

10 Min
Focus/Goals Work
"Hearty - ADV"
3 Rds
20 Push Press 95/65
15 Ring Rows
15 Burpees
10 Min
Build to a Heavy Single
3 Rds
15 OHSQ 135/95
15 Pull Ups
10 Lateral Burpees

Post loads, focus work, time and thoughts to comments.


Unknown said...

Great workout today! 2 rounds at 45 & last round at 35. Left shoulder tight today. :(

Unknown said...

P.S. - Adv. 12:10

Tony M. said...

Fb...started at 135 made it for 7 reps, then 115 for rest. 17:13 struggled with OHSQ.

Boeingch47 said...

FB Shoulders were shot today so subbed OH with Sq cleans for 12:13.

Unknown said...

Fb RX 14:56 Tuff One! Great job everyone! Thanks Michelle for the push, Great job coaching as usual

Justin O said...

Lift 185
WOD FB rx'd 7:03
1st rd unbroken
2nd rd 8&7
3rd 5, 7, 3

Nice group at 4:30, great job keeping it organized Slick!

JP said...

195 on lift, failed at 205

8:03 in WOD, rx'd

Mary B-hof said...

FB rx'd 14:14
Big 430 class...way to get through it everyone and way to keep us organized Michelle!

SheriWalsh said...

Lift 105...same 1RM as last time. I did 75# in WOD 9:52

Steve M said...

Subbed back squat at 175 and ring rows in a modified WOD. Huge 430 crew today. Great work everyone

NicoleStef said...

115# for ohs, used 85# in the wod- 14:28, mentally tough for me to hold onto the bar!

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Thanks, guys and girls :) You did awesome!