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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To know yourself is having the ability to not judge anyone else...

Registration is less than a month away!

 Jax V
 Justin O
 Tim F
Fran S

4 Rds
Back Squat 4-5 @ 30X0
Rest 10 sec
60 sec AMRAP Singles/Double Unders
Rest 2 Min

"Luigi - ADV"
3 Rds
20 DB Forward Lunges 35/25
20 Sit Ups
10 Burpees

3 Rds
10 Barbell Forward Lunges 135/95
10 T2B
10 Burpees

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
DB Forward Lunges - 10/leg - knee must kiss the ground and front foot must return to back foot.
Barbell Forward Lunge - 5/leg - knee must kiss the ground and front foot must return to back foot.  Bar rests in front rack position.


Kozmo said...

wow great class

adv back sq

wod adv 35lb db

SheriWalsh said...

Lift: 95x4, 115x4, 135x3, 155x3 (third Rep could have been an inch lower)

FB: 75#, 6:22

SheriWalsh said...

DUs for the lift were 45, 50, 55, 40

PaddyMcD said...

MFRT: 135(13)-155(21)-175(8)-185(17), sadly the 2nd #'s are my DU's not reps, LOL. Did 4-4-3-3 reps, WOD: 95 Lbs, 8:17, another great big class, great job 930!!

Boeingch47 said...

Lift: 185x4, 205x4, 225x3, 245x3
DUs: 35, 41, 42, 38

WOD FB: 115Lbs, 6:26

Stepheey said...

Enjoyed todays class with Coach Michelle.

Lift: 85,95,115,135
DUs 30,28,25,25

legs were like jelly after that lift.

WOD: (Rx) 7:08 thanks for Michelle for the encouragement
fell on my behind at one point but pushed through

rochs said...

MFRT 185-5/32;205-5/31;225-4/38;235-2f/43
WOD FB 95lb, 8:05

Justin O said...

MFRT: 185(5)/62; 205(5)/73: 225(4)/90: 205(4)/76

WOD fb rx'd: 4:34

Great coaching Nick!

kgcdgoneau said...

MFRT 205-4,225-4,245-3,245-3

WOD fb 75- 7:34
My first real attempt at fb.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Steph, great job! Happy to help! :)

1st day back to working out since last Monday. Felt good to sweat! Back's still funky though.

Lift: 95(5)/115(5)/135(4)/155(2)
WOD: 75, 6:07...did this RX'd last time. Back wasn't up to it today. Next time :)

kelli g. said...

BS: 135/5 155/5 175/4 185/4
DU: 42-32-40-28
Finally after over a year of trying I finally figured out double unders!
In hindsight I could've gone heavier...

WOD:FB RX'd 8:44
this was about a minute slower than I expected..

great coaching Nick!

Atlee said...

185-195-205-215. 95lb fb, 6:48. Great job 6:30.

JP said...

Loved today's WOD, but very challenging!

Nick, you were on fire tonight with the 'NO REPS'!!!

MFRT - 185(5)/205(5)/215(5)/235(4) --- lots o' room
FB WOD (rx'd) - 4:40