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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prioritize, Organize, Execute...

"Grandeur - ADV"
30 Thrusters 95/65
Rest 2 min
3 Rds
15 De-Load Push Ups
15 V-Ups
Rest 2 min
KB Swings 1.5/1pd
Box Dips
(Last completed 8/12/11)

21 Thrusters 135/95
Rest 2 min
3 Rds
10 HSPU 45/35 lb plates to abmat
10 T2B
Rest 2 min
KB Swings 2/1.5pd
Ring Dips
(Last completed 8/12/11)

Supplemental Training:
Coach's Call

Post Intervals, time and thoughts to comments.


Doug said...

Sick Video!
That dude is strong!!!!!!!

Kozmo said...

love the big classes

dips 4:55 on two benchs

situps 20,22,24
big fun rich good job on last set of sit-ups

Boeingch47 said...

Killer workout today.

FB-135lbs and 2 abmats
KB Swings- 8:30 something(forgot my paper with the numbers)
Good job Matt on your first FB WOD.

ChrisStraga said...

Sorry for my down attitude today 9:30...just wasn't feeling great!

115lbs for Thrusters...2:26
Not enough 2pd KB's so did 1.5pd but did 25-20-15 to make up for it, and RX'd ring dips (21-15-9)= 4:42

Total Workout time 16:56

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Nice job 9:30! Felt safe with all the PD and FD guys there! :)

Thrusters: 2:14(75lbs)
HSPU/T2B: 5:24 1AM
KB/RDip: 6:26 RX
Total Time: 18:04

Last time: 75/1AM&10lb plate 21:42

Anonymous said...

Chris, don't be sorry....we all have them days!! It was one of them days for me too!
Thrusters: 2:22 85lbs...this was rough since Me, Lali, and Aurea did a lot of these yesterday but I'm glad I sucked it up and did this.
HSPU/t2b...don't know how long but I used 1abmat and 10lb plate for most, tried 1abmat for some. Starting to string my t2b better, felt good with those.
KB/ring dips: rx'd kb unbroken each round, purple band for dips...struggled with the dips today but stuck it out.
Total time:24:22 including rest.
Great Job 930!!

Stepheey said...

legs were on fire from yesterday

21 thrusters at 75lbs (according to the class and Mark-too light lol) -53 sec
hspu with one abmat finished that at 8:05
then only did 1 pd. super light (I know)
ring dips with a single band
Finished WOD at 15:35 including rest
really liked this one!

NicoleStef said...

great WOD! HSPUs are not my favorite.

did power cleans #85 instead of thrusters-

HSPU 2 or 3 ab mats lol i alternated/T2B-

KB swings #35/ ring dips purple band-

great job 5:30! nick thanks for helping me with the thruster technique! :-p

kellynino said...

20:02 total workout
1:56 60lb thrusters
HSPUs = 2 abmats
T2B.. I think my times were like 1:10 for the first two and then 1:40 for the last? My paper isn't in front of me.
My T2B are SO much better... I could barely do them before and I was able to do the first round unbroken.

ring dips purple band/kbs 1 pd. 6 something... I felt like I was going to puke during the 15!!

this was a tough one.. nice job 3:30!

JP said...

This was def a chipper today...WHEW!!!

Great intro and review, Tony!

FB WOD Rx'd -
21 thrusters @135 - 1:29
2mins rest
3rds 10HSPU on 45s to an abmat & 10T2B - 5:51
2mins rest
21-15-9 2pd KB Swings & Ring dips - 6:22
Work time = 13:42
Rest time = 4:00
Total = 17:42

Justin O said...

fb rx'd: 14:01 total time
Thrusters were a bit sloppy.
HSPU's were fine for the first rd, but had to do mostly singles for 2and & 3rd.
21 thrusters @ 135 - 1:34
part 2: 4:23
part 3: 4:04

rochs said...

21 thrusters @ 95 - 1:58
3x - 10 push press 65, 10 t2b 8:50
21-15-9 KB 1.5pd, r dip purple, 18:35