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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shake it off and get back in there...


New session time: Thursdays @ 4:30pm

"Death By Combo - Thruster/Pull Up"
Thruster 95/65
Pull Up

Alternating Movements starting on the minute, every minute, increasing your reps by TWO:
(ie: 2 Thrusters 1st minute, 2 Pull Ups 2nd minute, 4 Thrusters in 3rd minute, 4 Pull Ups in 4 the minute etc..Continue in this manner until you are unable to complete one or both of the movements in the prescribed minute.  If you are unable to complete the Thrusters, then continue with the Pull Ups - but make them on the minute every minute from there on out and vice versa.

"Death By Combo - Thruster/Pull Up"
Thruster 135/95
Pull Up C2B

Alternating Movements starting on the minute, every minute, increasing your reps by ONE:
(ie: 1 Thruster 1st minute, 1 Pull Up 2nd minute, 2 Thrusters in 3rd minute, 2 Pull Ups in 4 the minute etc..Continue in this manner until you are unable to complete one or both of the movements in the prescribed minute.  If you are unable to complete the Thrusters, then continue with the Pull Ups - but make them on the minute every minute from there on out and vice versa.

Supplemental Training:
Coach's Call...

Post rounds and thoughts to comments.


Kozmo said...

wow that got tough quick !

Brandon great job way to yough it it out.

wod/adv 85/green band
completed 12 reps each and bailed

Anonymous said...

I agree Andrew...everything is all good then all of a sudden it hits you right in the gut!! Way to hang in there everyone!
WOD: FB 85lbs got through the 8th min(8reps of thrusters and C2B) then once I hit 9, I only did 6 thrusters and 6 C2B. Brandon, great finish! See you all later this week:)

Boeingch47 said...

Great workout today, thrusters got tough quick.
WOD FB: 135lbs and COB pullups,thrusters I got 8th min + 7reps and pullups were 13th min + 7reps.

Boeingch47 said...

Oh yeah, thanks Sheri for the ring setup! Maybe now I can get a muscle-up lol.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Happy Birthday, Sharon! :) Way to celebrate by bringing your buddy in for this one! Good job, Priscilla!

SheriWalsh said...

FB (75#) 8rd+4, 11rds+11

Cash out with lali
8rds: row 20 sec on/10 sec off
4 rds: 20 GHD sit ups

SheriWalsh said...

Lol Brandon, they are set high just for you

kelli g. said...

FB: 95lbs C2B (until like the 6th rd, then COB)

8rds+7, 10rds(pullups)

fun wod.

Happy Birthday Dan C.!!

JP said...

Loved this WOD, Nick!!!

FB WOD (@135):
Thrusters - 9mins+7 in the 10th
C2B Pullups - 10mins+10 in the 11th

Breeze said...

Good WOD today. The thrusters got heavy quick

FB Rx'd
Thruster- 8 minutes 2 in the 9th
C2B- 9 minutes 7 in the 10th

Great work 3_30 and 4_30

Mary B great job on the C2B today

rochs said...

advanced(thruster)/fb(c2b) hybrid, 65lb (shoulder pain), completed 7 rounds (14 thrusters, 7 c2b) plus 7,6 in round 8.

Steve T said...

Had a hard time with that weight
FB @ 135
Thrusters - 8 minutes + 3 reps in 9th
C2B Pullups - 11 minutes + 8 reps in 12th