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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Right your ship and let the wind carry you...

"Peace of Mind"
Teams of 2
3 Rds
10 Sit Ups
4 - 20ft Shuttle Sprints
30 Singles/10 Double Unders
Rest 2 Min

3 Rds
10 Air Squats
4 - 20ft Shuttle Sprints
30 Singles/10 Double Unders
Rest 2 Min

Post rounds and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
1 person works at a time while the other rests.  This is an aerobic workout, thereby requiring a PACE.  Keep your work output sustainable over the 6 Rds.


JP said...

I was too tired to make it in this AM, gang... hope you all have a great weekend!

Kozmo said...

matt and nick what a great start to the day.Something new everyday awsome have a great weekend everyone.

kelli g. said...

Teamed up with Hannah

35 rds + 4 air squats

Double unders felt really solid really happy with them, amazing job Hannah! Love partnering up with you!!

SheriWalsh said...

Worked with Mo today. It was to confusing to combine..

My rounds were 9rd+5 for the first part and 8rd+10+4+3.
Total= 17rds+15+4+3.

Great job everyone!

Boeingch47 said...

Teamed up with Frank today.
We were both just shy of 3rds each time the first set and 3 every rd the second set.
See everyone one Monday.