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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Awareness creates focus..

New hour in Williamstown:
Saturday 9:30am

 Scott H and Bob M
 Ron D, Kelli G and Sam K
 Norm G
Faye J

5 Rds
Press 1-2 @ 11X1
Rest 10 sec
AMRAP Negative Pull Ups @ 50X1/DeadHang Pull Ups
Rest 2 Min

"3rd Degree Burn - ADV"
11 Min/AMRAP
7 Push Press 115/75
7 No Push Up Burpees
7 KB Swings 1.5/1 pd

"3rd Degree Burn"
11 Min/AMRAP
7 Power Cleans - Heavy/TNG
7 No Push Up Burpees
7 Ring Dips

Post loads, rounds and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
Negative Pull Ups - If you're unable to maintain at least 5, use the rings.
DeadHang Pull Ups - If you're unable to to maintain at least 5, use Negative Pull Ups
Power Cleans - Pick a weight that will allow you to go  Unbroken for first 3 rounds.


Boeingch47 said...

MFRT: 135X2, 135x2, 155x2, 165x1, 175x1. About 5 deadhangs each round and some negatives too.

FB: 7rds+7 @135lbs
Cleans felt really good today!

Kozmo said...

mfrt 115x2,115x2,120x1,125,1

adv[100] 7rds+5
shoulder work feels pretty good.

Love the new racks looks like lots of fun.

PaddyMcD said...

MFRT: 115/2, 125/2, 135/2, 145/1, 150/F, 5 negatives each round, ..
WOD: 115, single band, 5 rds + 7+7+2, great job 9:30, but where was the rest of the class, LOL, love the new gear Nick, Thanks!!

SERT 11 said...

135/2, 135/2, 145/2, 165/1, 175/1
kept 10 strict pullups until the 5th set & got 8.
WOD: 135, 7 rnds+7+6. 11 mins was just the right amount of time for this one. really enjoyed the 9:30. Looks like everyone is getting ready for the Open, turn it up.

Stepheey said...

MFRT: 65,75,85,90,95 (1)
3 dead hangs each time

WOD: did 75 lbs I wanted to work on ring dips without a band for the first time and I felt higher then 75 I wouldn't be able to go tng.. Ring dips were a little ugly but it's an area I want to work on! 6 rounds

Great class with Michelle this morning!

rochs said...

MFRT 65 75 85 90 90
3 dead hangs + 2 negatives each round
WOD FB 115lb, purple band, 6 rounds + 3 power cleans

MedicSabella said...

MFRT: 75lbs / 5 neg. P/U across the board

WOD: 6 rds + 3 / 75lbs PP & 26lb KB

Good job 0930

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Great job to the morning crew! Way to get after it!

Thanks, Steph :)

Welcome aboard to new members Chris and Marc! Look for them this Thursday for their first WOD!

JP said...

I so underestimated this WOD...

MFRT: 95(2)/12 | 115(2)/12 | 125(2)/10 | 135(2)/10 | 155(f)/9
FB WOD: 7rds + 1 (w/135PCs)

kelli g. said...

ugh..today was a blah kinda day...

MFRT: 65/75/85/90(F)/85(F)
1dead hang+4negatives each round, except first round did 2 dead hangs and 3 negatives. Shocked at my press, I feel like it's gone down..


105lbs, purple band

felt out of sorts on the cleans, pulling way too early on alot of them..just an off day..

Kevin M said...

Mfrt: 115/18, 125/14, 135/10, 135/10, 135/10

Wod: 7 rds, plus 7, plus 7, plus 4 with 125

Breeze said...

115x2 7 dead hang
135x2 7DH
145x2 7DH
155x1 7DH
160X1 7DH
Failed 165

Good WOD today but definitely winded me today

115 PC

8 RDs

Great work today 3:30 and 4:30, way to push.
Great coaching today Nick, thanks