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Monday, January 16, 2012

Give your best intentions...

New hour in Williamstown:
Saturday 9:30am

 Joe D
 Neil M
 Nick B
Steph P

4 Rds
Back Squat 3-4 @ 30X0
Rest 10 sec
Deficit Push Up 8-10 @ 30X1
Handstand Walk - 15 ft
Rest 3 min

"The Truth - ADV"
3 Rds
15 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Box Jumps 20"
15 V-Ups

"The Truth"
3 Rds
15 Deadlifts BW
15 Box Jumps 24"/20"
15 T2B

Post time and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
The Truth - Workout should push you to go unbroken for at least 1st 2 rounds. Modify accordingly.
Handstand Walk - If you're unable to do this, modify to 3 Handstand Wall Walks.


Justin O said...

MFRT: 155(3)/175(3)/225(2)/225(2)
Heavy Back Squat not happening at 6:30 Monday morning!

FB: BW+35lbs: 4:12
DL all unbroken, had to break up the last rd of T2B 8 & 7 plus 1 no rep, they really slowed me down.

Thanks for the coaching on the Handstand walks Justin

rochs said...

MFRT back squat, wall walks,185(3) 195(3) 215(2) 235(2). WOD FB 185lb, 12:42

SheriWalsh said...

Lift: 95x4, 115x4, 135x3, 155x2(third not low enough)

FB: did body weight 140lbs. 8:24.

Didn't have too much pep in my step today. Long cold weekend of night shift. Monday Wods are always a swift kick in the butt.. See you all tomorrow.

Boeingch47 said...

MFRT: Did back squats onto a bench with 135 and 155lb to work on form.

FB: 185lb, 7:38
Really tough one today.

Stepheey said...

MFRT: 135, 145, 155, 165
Mary Super strong today on the lift! you go girl.

WOD: 135 at 10:48

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

The noon crew was awesome! Way to go guys! So much fun!

95-115-135, back's still funky. Ditto on O'Dell's BSqt comment.
Assisted HS walks. Thanks, Justin!

5:26 115 (little more than BW)
T2B felt AWESOME! Got 'em back! So happy! :)

Nikki O said...

Back Squat:

ADV: sub'd GHD raises for DL

Tested out the elbow with two WODs containing jumprope last week and sadly I feel like I went in reverse! :( Back to strict no arm usage. (sigh)

Strong numbers on the board ladies! Way to be strong! Awesome stuff Mary!! Wow!

Frank McGuigan said...

Back squat:
225x3, 245x3, 275x2, 325x2

bw+35 (205) @ 5:10

thanks for the push justin

and justin O, thanks for making me add 35 to the deadlift

Breeze said...

195x3, 225x3, 245x2, 265x2

WOD FB BW-185 @ 6;06, toe2bar slowed me down a little

Great work 530

kelli g. said...

155-175-185-195 should have gone to 200 but, wimped out.
subbed, shoulder taps for handstand walks, did 15 each time.

FB RX'd (155lbs):
finally have cyclical T2B figured out, now if only I could find my deadlift again...
Frank thanks for the push at the end!