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Monday, June 6, 2011


Our schedule has changed for the week of Regionals June 16-18th
6/16 Thursday - No Sessions
6/17 Friday 6:30 am and 9:30 am - No afternoon/evening sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions
6/16 Thursday - No 9:30 am Session
6/17 Friday - No Sessions
6/18 Saturday - No Sessions

Member Appreciation WOD/Party!!
Saturday June 25, 2011
Williamstown @ 


WOD - "Murph"
Food/Drinks/Pool/Fun back at Mark and Stacey's house
Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Back Squat
5-5-5 @ 80% of 1RM
(Last completed 4/18/11)

"Grace - ADV"
40 Thrusters 95/65

30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
(Last completed 12/23/10)

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.


Hannah said...

Party sounds AWESOME!!  I'm there!!  :) I wasn't sure who murph was so I looked em up utube. This is it right?  :P

Doug said...

Member appreciation wod/party rocks!!

Buzz said...

135, 145, 155
3:51 @105#
Low energy morning...still 1 sec PR, but time to add another 10#.

PaddyMcD said...

man, Gracie can wear ya down......
Lift: 155-185-185, WOD; FB, 115 5:12, did my own $Out of 5 sets o' 5, Pull-Ups, great job 9:30!!

Incident said...

Nice lunch hour w/ Rob & Grace today!
Rob: Good job w/ your lift and Rx'ing! Safe travels!

Rx'd: 3:56
Justin: thanks for helping me strategize and pushing me through the last 6!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 25th!

Jax said...

Felt great to work out today! Needed it!

Back squat 115 for all 3 sets

Grace: Rx'd 4:57 First time Rx'ing this wod...happy to keep it under 5 juuuuust squeaked by!

Then, I did 400 m sprints with Kristi. 4 sprints w 3 min rest between each one:
1:34; 1:30; 1:29; 1:27

Kristi - You kept me moving!! Great working out with you!

kelli g. said...

Backsquat: 165-165-165
WOD: 4:02 RX'd first time rx'd, wanted it under 4:00 but still happy with it, but I know I can go faster! Probably my favorite girl WOD!

Breeze said...

BackSquat 205-205-205,

WOD Rx'd FB 3:36,

Great work 530

great job Kevin Rx'ing Grace

Steve and Tony thanks for the help w the DU.

Kevin M said...

Rxd: 5.22. Felt great til Moscola and demarco yelled time at reps 12 and 18 respectively. You guys killed it.

JP said...

Screwed up on the lift tonight... didn't realize it was 80% for 3 of 5... Coach?

Lift:185 - 205 - 215

WOD: 4:04

I think if I could figure out how to comfortably string together the reps consecutively, I could def shave some serious time off this bitch... got work to do.

Mary B-hof said...

lift: 165-165-165
wod: rx'd 5:02 it's not very often i say this but i feel like this is a wod i should be somewhat decent at and am very disappointed in my time. will tackle this one again soon.

Nice job 430...great coaching Justin! Kristi-great job!

see you guys tomorrow!

Steve M said...

Lift: 205 x3 sets
Wod: 3:03 rx'd

what an awesome crew doing this wod at 5:30, everyone did great. Tony thanks for the tip on how to string them together faster, it really helped

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Lift: 235-235-235
WOD (FB): 5:29 @ Rx'd ... 39 secs slower than previous

Doug said...
