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Monday, May 30, 2011

Let's follow our hearts...

There will be no sessions today.
Happy Memorial Day

Leisure time!!


K-Swat said...

See you all tomorrow:)

lummox5o said...

At least there is one comment today! Now a second. Don't each too many burgers or dogs today.....it will not be nice to see them on the floors tomorrow.

Yesterday I stopped feeling the 100 OHSQs from I did on Friday. I don't feel a day over 38.

There are some good video clips on the Game's website showing the regional competitions. It is worth taking a look and it is interesting to see how the production is different from region to region.

Have a good day everyone and take a moment to reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day.

Stacey said...

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day with your family and friends!! Thank you to all of the men and women who gave their lives protecting us!