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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Narrow your focus to your own unfolding experience....

11 Min Time Cap
2K Row
Max Burpees

Score is total Burpees

3 Rds
10 Leg Throws - Fwd/L. Side/R. Side

Post total and thought to comments.


Incident said...

Nipur: welcome back! I leave today so we'll have a tan-off when I get back! Hope you had a great time & good luck w/ 11.6. Don't try to breathe too much!

Mary and Priya: you girls did awesome yesterday. Mary, your C2B's are right there!
Sorry that i was not there to cheer you on but I was struggling in my own corner. By round 12, my forearms started to tighten up. 64 reps for me.

Paul: I felt like you were flying. Great job on your 77 reps-that's awesome!

Steve C: nice to see you on the regular these days.

Everyone else...good luck with this last game wod. You're all gonna do great! Will miss you all and looking forward to the festivities on May 7th! Mark: Fran and I can help out any way that you need us to.

PaddyMcD said...

Ha, got to bring the rowers outside for this one, jus like the old days in the garage, nice job 9:30, and awesome job on the games WOD Theresa, killed it!!

WOD: 7:51 for the row, 21 Burpees, cash out was a killer, the search for the core continues........

Justin O said...

Ring them bells, I am done with sectionals!!!

Nick, thanks for programing something I would rather do less then the sectional 11.6 WOD!
Final Open score: 95
Wanted at least 90, hoping for 100 so I wound up in the middle!

Nick thanks for judging & pushing me. Steve M thanks for joining me in on the fun...Great job brother!

Anonymous said...

Ring away Justin...I'm done too!
I honestly went into this wod saying to myself, "don't think, just do it"and was hoping to get at least in the 9 rep range. Pullups have always been my goat and still are, and c2b...well, never done them in a workout. My first attempt with them was one day last week, got 3 and I tried a couple on Monday. My final score today...71 (I exceeded my expectation:). Gotta say this whole experience has opened up my eyes to my weaknesses and my strengths but furthermore, the mental part in this. I already made a promise that I will never let a workout get in my head the way I did, esp with wod 3..you all know my ass was anxious! Anyway, I'm pumped up and hoping we make it to regionals!!
Good luck to everyone else on the last wod!
This afternoon, I did Tuesday's wod....that sucked royally! Don't know what hurt more, my neck or shoulders. rx'd 13:32. See ya's next week, and Kill it on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

And again, thanks Joe for judging me!

Steve M said...

great job on the wod today Justin, glad I had someone to do it with..,
82 reps, didn't really know what to expect on this one but I am just glad I'm done

JP said...

11.6 - in the books. Final score = 73

I feel the same as the rest of the boys... we're done with sectionals!!!

Hit up Games WOD @ 6:30p today in EHT. Thanks Justin for judging, Nick for coaching, Tim, Brigid, Mike and Lauren (newbies) for cheering me on. Really appreciate the support!!! For the 3rd week in a row, I went with the 1 and done approach, and again mentally I felt good going into the WOD. As for the rep load, I wasn't sure what to expect. Going through 3-6-9 and half way thru 12 I felt good... then the wheels wobbled, and eventually fell off on my way up the ladder towards 15 on thrusters. All in all, I really enjoyed the WOD, though I might not have looked like it while I was in it... Thanks again to everyone who hooted and hollered throughout the sectionals WODs, and BIG UPs to all of the athletes that competed! I am AMAZED by all of the EPIC performances that came out over the last 7 weeks.

Love being a part of OTG!!!