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Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't touch the 'POW'.....

Use progressions to work on depth.

7 min/AMRAP
7 Pull Ups C2B
15 Box Jumps 20"

Post depth/improvements and total rounds to comments.


Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

5 rounds +7 +6 ...

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

With the Beast of the East competition less than a month away, can the "experts" (Nick, Mark, Brett, Joe O, Justin, etc.) help us "rookies" (everyone else) who haven't ever participated in a CrossFit competition to better prepare us on what to expect? With 2 WODs within 4 hours of each other, what should we do/eat in between? Eat the morning of? The night before? What to bring? Etc.

Teen Wolf said...

Chris, I'll take the first stab at this before the more qualified guys help ya out. I wouldn't change a thing. If your body is used to eating a certain way, don't change a thing. From my personal experience I would recommend a form of "grazing". Eating small meals spaced across the whole day. This would inhibit those big "carb comas" by carb loading after the first workout and then crashing for the second. Eat breakfast, maybe 3 eggs and some almonds and some berries. The first workout is at 10 i think, So eat around 7ish. You'll be good to go. After the first workout, have a small meal on hand. Maybe a protein shake, some more fats and an apple. That's just my thoughts from personal experiences and readings. The biggest thing I think though, is to not shock your body by drastically altering your normal eating periods. Hope that helped somewhat

Doug said...

School workout. Good times.
7 rounds + 7 + 10

Sammy said...

4 rounds + 6

Jax said...

5 rounds + 5

Really liked the workout today!! The 'mini' wod warm up was a good idea.
Took the cashout 50 wall ball option. Good idea! Feel great now!! Thanks marc!

Higher Order Living said...

Well said Joe. He nailed it. Small balanced (carb/protein/fat) meals. So, get your body used to eating that way now!!
Post WOD meal - Fruit and protein shake and a fish oil supplement...

In order of importance:
1) Keep your body hydrated (H2O)
2) Keep your body fueled (light balanced meal)
3) Keep your body loose (trigger point and stretch)
4) Get a really good warm up in before each WOD (sometimes tough to do in a different atmosphere, but a MUST!- find a way!)

Just some 'food' for thought...


Loved todays warm up.. the WOD, not so much.. Lost count of the rounds.. guessed i got around 8 full rounds with 7 pull ups and 1 box jump.. coulda been only 7 rounds though..

Steve C said...

6 rounds + 7 + 6

Worked on muscle ups for the first time. Not pretty, but now I'm determined. Thanks Mark.

Teen Wolf said...

Good workout, working through some shoulder problems, know how ya feel now mark, not fun lol

Did 5-5-5 backsquat then hit the wod

6pm at wtown is back to normal with ryan back, good to have ya back brother.

Finished with 8 rounds + 2 pull-ups

K-Swat said...

6 rounds + 4, chin over bar. & 50 wallballs. Which brings me to my next point... I noticed how Jim did not mention he did not do his 50 wallballs oh and I gotta call out PJ too. Whats the matter boys, all the girls did it.

Incident said...

Good to be back w/ the OTG crew. Missed all of you!
Nice WOD for first day back. The warm up was fun-I liked the push for the second round. However, pistols-not so fun. Something else to add to my list of things to work on.
5 rounds (red band), 50 abs & 15 wall balls.
New Years resolution is to get rid of the stupid bands already-ugh!
Thanks Jill, Steve C., Paul, Chuck, Tom, Sandy, & of course, Mark ("the TBD") for the motivation-you all did great as usual!

D.T. said...

Pistols, man, I remember being pretty good at these meself.

Teen Wolf said...

Who's this guy? ^^^^^^


Breeze said...

Good WOD tonight, the 2nd warmup for time was a nice way to get the heart rate up before the WOD.

5 rounds +7+5
cash out 50 Wallballs 14lbs
Tried working on Muscle up again, hopefully soon.
Great job 530 EHT crew, Welcome Back Bambi!

PJ or "Open Gym" said...

wow there kristie...callin jim and i out?? it was obvious we didnt do the cashout because we were coaching you guys....