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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Giveaway central...

The 30 Day - 5 x Abmat Challenge

A 30 Day Challenge of Core Strength and Mental Endurance.

A 30 Day Challenge that consists of completing 5 Abmat Sit Ups on day 1, 10 Abmat Sit Ups on Day 2, 15 Abmat Sit Ups on Day 3, etc until you are completing 150 Abmat Sit Ups on the last day (Day 30). It is 5 x the day.  You may sign up after June 1st but will have to make up the missed reps from the days previous to you signing up.  
If you miss a day, you can make those reps up the next day.  Missing a day in this Challenge will really penalize you.  Your recipe for success should be for you to stay consistent with your efforts and set a specific time each day to complete your required reps for that day.

Started Yesterday, June 1st and Ends Saturday, June 30th
(You can still sign up!!)

Create an external focus for training outside of the gym.  Develop better endurance for both the hip flexors and abdominals and a stronger core for better stability in all functional movements.

At the gym, at your house, work, where ever you can lay down and do abmat sit ups.

Registration is FREE!  A Completion T-Shirt and having developed the Core Strength and Mental Endurance to complete a Challenge of this nature are your rewards.

What are you waiting for?!  Sign Up today in each gym on our Sign-Up sheet!  Make that one of your goals for June - To complete the Abmat Challenge!

"Chopper - ADV"
Teams of 2
20 Min/AMRAP
400 m Partner Plate Run 15/10lb
30 Jumping Squats
30 V-Ups
30 Burpees

"Chopper - ADV"
Teams of 2
20 Min/AMRAP
400 m Partner Medicine Ball Run 20/14lb
30 2 for 1 Wall Balls - 10’
30 T2B
30 Burpees

Post rounds and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
Only 1 person works at a time.  Must complete all repetitions of current movement before advancing to next one. 
Supplemental Training:
Focus/Goals Work and/or Abmat Challenge Sit Ups Day 2

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