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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Find the meaning behind your feeling, then re-evaluate your feeling..

"Tabata Mash - Shrill - ADV"
8 Rds
20 sec on/10 sec off
Wall Ball
Hollow Rocks
KB Swings 1.5/1pd
"Tabata Mash - Shrill"
8 Rds
20 sec on/10 sec off
Hang Power Clean 115/75
Hollow Rocks
Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
Supplemental Training:
4 x 200 Sprints
Rest as Needed

Post totals for each movement, splits and thoughts to comments.
Training Notes:
Move from one exercise to the next after each 20 sec/10 sec interval for a total of 8 rds.


Unknown said...

52 131 62 Total 245; Great workout- 10 seconds of rest goes WAY too fast. Awesome job EHT crew 930- Great coaching Michelle.

Specora99 said...

Good time today at 930 ... as usual

rx'd 66(8) 88 (11) 48( 6)

and then 4 X 200 sprints or in my case a struggling jog

Kozmo said...

loved the tabata mash
95lb- 212 reps
i have to agree 4x200 was a huge struggle