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Monday, January 9, 2012

Push your limits...

How do you finish a workout?
 Jen C
 Joffrey R
 Brandon G
 Matt S
 Amy H
 Sam F
Aurea B

12 Min
Bench Press
3-3-3-3-3 @ 30X0
Rest as Needed

"Adam Bomb - ADV"
5 Rds
10 Push Press 95/65
15 Squats
10 Pull Ups

"Adam Bomb"
Squat Snatch 95/65lbs
Pull Ups
"Heavy Adam Bomb"
Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
Pull Ups C2B
(Last completed 10/18/10)

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.

Training Notes:
Bench Press - Build to a challenging load for 3 reps.  Each set has to be hard, with the next set being harder than the previous.


NicoleStef said...

I am really looking forward to this wod tomorrow lol. Now I'll have happy crossfit dreams :)

kellynino said...

80 lb bench press

14:54 55lb and a single band...
I felt crappy this morning.. maybe because I had a (sugar free) klondike bar last night!
My first workout doing 55lb for a snatch.. My forarms were fried at the end!

Great job 6:30!

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Warmed up with 2 Squat Snatch and just wasn't feeling it today, so I did FRAN instead.

4:40 ... 40 sec PR

Boeingch47 said...

This one sucked!
Lift: 185, 195, 205, 235 ran out of time for the 5th rd.
WOD FB: 9:52@75lbs definitely my worst movement but getting there.
Some really great times at 9:30.

SheriWalsh said...

Lift 65x3, 75x3, 85x3, 95x2.. Didn't get to round 5 in time.

FB: option 1 with the 21,15, 9.

45lbs, 8:51. Glad I went with that weight, kept me going instead of standing around. Great work everyone!

ChrisStraga said...

Lift= 185, 195, 205, 225 (ran out of time for rd 5)

WOD: FB option 1 (21-15-9) at 75lbs 8:29... Very hard movement!! Some people really killed it this am at 9:30!!!

WOD 2: 10rounds...15 deadlifts (135lbs), 15 push ups= 11:12

Lali, Brian, Aurea thanks for the push in doing a second WOD, great work

rochs said...

did light bench press due to shoulder injury, 95 lbs.

WOD, FB, sub'd squat-clean-thrusters for squat snatch, 95lb, 14:09

Stepheey said...

Enjoyed having Bambi back to lift with even though I didnt do a good job spotting (sorry bam) ; )
3 reps at 65,75,85,105,110

55 lbs
Just can't seem to get comfortable with overhead movements.. 13:11

Justin O said...

lift: 155,165,175,185,185
FB adam bomb rx'd: 6:34

kelli g. said...

Lift: 65-75-85-95-105
Heavy Adam Bomb
8:48 85lbs

Started out with the intention to go rx'd but felt a little all over the place today. Played it safe...

Ky said...

First wod ever doing pull ups without a band. This is HUGE for me. Still not an ideal kip but better. Wod 1 55lbs 12:26.

Doug said...

fb adam bomb rx'd
that was a tough one.