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Monday, January 2, 2012

Choose to see the positives and the negatives will no longer appear...

New session time: Thursdays @ 4:30pm

"Diane - ADV"
10 Rds
7 Deadlift 185/115lbs
8 Push Ups De-Load

Deadlift 225/155lbs
(Last completed 8/15/11)

Supplemental Training:
Coach's Call

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Amy said...

Love the 430 on Thursday!

ChrisStraga said...

Had to do "Diane" at LA Fitness this morning

1. Sucks to do a WOD without all you guys pushing me
2. They aren't happy at LA when your feet scuff up their mirrors on HSPU

Firebreather RX'd Diane in 5:51....needed chalk for thick barbells at LA and needed my fellow Crossfitters for support

LLLLLeah said...

Leah's brain talking to herself "hmmm this workout looks familiar. I think I did it before. Yea I did. Kelleigh did the deadlifts with a red and a green weight and I did it with a red weight. I wish I could remember my time and what bands I used for the handstand push ups. Hey maybe I actually blogged my time that day. Let's go look. Oh I was making fun of Chris and his nasty armpits. Darn it! Maybe Nick is right about writing shit down. Maybe I'll text him. Nah I'll just write it on the blog"

Boeingch47 said...

5:18 w/185lb and 2ab mats+10lb plate
Great workout today
Cashout- avg 10/13/8

SheriWalsh said...

FB: 155lbs, 3 ab mats. (hspu are my biggest weakness)
And I suffer from long arm syndrome. Haha!

8:10. This is a 30-40 sec PR from last time and I only used 135 before. Glad my deadlifts are improving at least. went unbroken for first 21.

PaddyMcD said...

FB, 185Lbs, grn/blue band, 10:40, in Aug in RX'd the weight and did HSPU on the 24"box in 6:49, one day i'll get to the wall, great job all, and thanks Brandon for the push, i didn't write down the cashout, but it was a killer, i think i woulda rather done the Airdyne!

Frank McGuigan said...

happy new year all! did the crossfit football wod today, def going to hit this one up later in the week!

Stepheey said...

WOD 9:14 RX weight one abmat for HSPU
(enjoyed my little corner with Mary!)
Deadlifts definitely caught up to me

Cashout was pick a wall ball to go 50 unbroken.. I picked 10lb almost unbroken at 1:50 arms were fried from the pushups Great times!

kelli g. said...

FB: RX'd and 1 abmat 7:20
last time 7:24...

cashout: 50 14lb unbroken wall balls

Breeze said...

Diane Rx'd 9:22, 1;10 slower than last time.

My shoulders were screaming from the HSPU. Kristi it was great having you by my side for the HSPU, you definitely helped to keep me going.

Cash Out 50 wallballs 1:52

Happy NEW YEAR Everyone!

Doug said...

rx'd 5:17