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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Think about how you want it and act like you have it...

There will be no sessions on Monday 12/26/11
Merry Christmas Eve!!

"Christmas Teams"
Teams of 2:
2000m Santa Sleigh Ride - (Row)
75 Pull-Up Your Stockings (Pull-Ups)
100 Arse Berries (Sit-Ups)
150 Ornament Tossings (KB Swings)
100 Snow Angels (Burpees)
500 Frolics (Singles)

"Christmas Teams"
Teams of 2:
2000m Santa Sleigh Ride - (Row)
75 Pull-Up Your Stockings (Pull-Ups C2B)
100 Arse Berries (Sit-Ups)
150 Ornament Tossings (KB Swings)
100 Snow Angels (Burpees)
200 Frolics (Double Unders)

Only one person per team exercises at a time. You can split up the work however you see fit. You may go in any order. Enjoy the 'Ride!!'

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Incident said...

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Enjoy family and fun today and tomorrow & don't forget to put a paleo alternative out for Santa tonight! :)

Kozmo said...

Merry Cchristmas everyone !!!
Enjoy the work out looks like fun for me just another day of body parts falling off.

ChrisStraga said...

Tough workout!!

Drew and I RX'd firebreather fully with a 25:34 time

Great work Drew

Merry Christmas Everyone

Boeingch47 said...

Loved this one! Teamed up with Ray for a 35:03
Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. See everyone on tuesday.

Justin O said...

fun times in EHT this morning. Thank Slick for running a great class!

Teamed up with Neil who did 1500 of the 2000m row, He's a pretty good rower! Think our time was 26:58

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Frank McGuigan said...

merry christmas all!

Breeze said...

Merry Christmas everyone! Looks like a fun wod!

Anonymous said...

Fun wod today! Dana, great work!!
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a fun and happy holiday!!xoxoxo

Doug said...

Merry Christmas to the OTG family!!

JP said...

Darn, looks like I missed a GOOD one this morning!!! Ah, there's always next Christmas Eve :P

I wish all of the OTG family (EHT & W'Town) a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope Santa brings you all huge PR's, faster WOD times, stronger lifts and shorter periods of rest!!! CHEERS!!!