"All-Natural - ADV"
25 Min/AMRAP
5 Bench Press 80-85% of 1RM
10 Sit Ups
10 Hard Pulls on Rower
"All-Natural - ADV"
25 Min/AMRAP
5 Bench Press 80-85% of 1RM
10 Sit Ups
10 Hard Pulls on Rower
25 Min/AMRAP
2 Bench Press 90-95% of 1RM
5 GHD Sit Ups
10 Hard Pulls on Rower
Post loads, rounds and thoughts to comments.
Training Notes:
The goal is to focus on each movement separately and definitively. You are NOT going AFAP. Your work output should be consistent across the 25 min. Changing weights and waiting for the rack is a GOOD thing. You are to work on Horizontal Pushing Strength, Core, and Power through proper row technique.
Bench Press - Maintain the same load throughout as rxd %'age.
FB: 90lbs (did 95lbs on my 6th or 7th round and hit a
Got 10 paced rounds in. Pulled about 95-100m on the rower every round. Shoulders and forearms are feeling it this week!
9rds@205lbs, rows avg'd 1:37
FB: 11 rds. @ 175 lbs. Total meters = 1385
Out of the womb...12 rounds..215 press.
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